Jose Baez (Casey’s defense) Writes Juvenile letter to OC Sherrif’s Office!

25 Sep

Local Fox station obtains a MUST READ letter exchange between Casey Anthony’s defense attorney and OCSO. Its embarassing!

Here’s the only link so far.

They’re hard to read there so I’ve retyped them here bc DAMN! I’m going to have to get all snarky on that Jose letter…I mean what grade is he in again? It sounds like something I might have fired back at a rival in MIDDLE SCHOOL! IF I was a whiny little b!tch! (which I wasn’t) 🙂 And besides mine would have been worded better, artfully folded- w/a pull tab and everything– not via facsimile –I mean, grow up! Wooooo- don’t mess w/Jose you wouldn’t like him when he’s DISPLEASED.

Reality check. No way JOSE! You don’t get to whine about the “2 month delay” or that your ego’s not getting properly STROKED by Law Enforcement when you should conduct your efforts in a more productive manner and convey the message to your client that she needs to PICK A STORY (how ’bout the truth? -that one’s easiest to remember) and tell us what happened to her daughter!! Obviously, everyone realizes that your office is under a lot of pressure, what w/sustaining oneself in an alternate reality, but pls, at least take a stab at joining us in the real world. Albeit OVER 3 MONTHS later, it would be better late than never, I suppose. There’s a beautiful little girl missing! 😦 JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!!

Here’s the letter TO Jose FROM OC Sheriff’s Office:
September 19, 2008

Jose Baez, Esquire
522 Simpson Road
Kissimmee, FL 34744

Dear Mr. Baez:

In your correspondence to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office you have stated your willingness to fully cooperate with law enforcement regarding the investigation of Caylee Anthony’s disappearance within the confines of your ethical obligation to your client, Casey Anthony.

In response to your offer to fully cooperate, I am requesting that you provide the circumstances and location Caylee Anthony was last seen. As you are aware, the previous statements provided by your client have been false and misleading.

The law enforcement personnel involved in the search for Caylee Anthony acknowledge your ethical obligation to you client. We hope that it is your client’s genuine desire to help find her daughter and to uncover the truth. We are also hopeful that you are able to provide the circumstances and location that Casey Anthony last saw her daughter, and that you understand the information we are requesting is crucial to the search for Caylee Anthony. If you are willing to assist in this matter, please contact me at your earliest opportunity.


Kevin Beary
Sheriff of Orange County

Sergeant John Allen
Criminal Investigations Division
Missing Persons Squad
(407) 254-7222

Here’s the response FROM Jose TO OC Sheriff’s Office:
September 22, 2008
via facsimile

Orange County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Sgt. John Allen
2500 West Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32408

Re: State of Florida v. Casey M. Anthony

Dear Sgt. Allen:

I was pleased to see that your office has decided to take me up on our offer to cooperate in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony. Albeit two months later, it is better late than never, I suppose.

I was, however, displeased by the fact that I had to hear about your fax from the media before I even got the chance to read it. Nonetheless, I will convey your message to my client and discuss it with her further.

Please give me a call when you are more interested in searching for Caylee, as opposed to trying to improve your office’s public relations image. I realize that your office is under a lot of pressure because you haven’t found Caylee, but you should conduct your efforts in a more productive manner as opposed to leaking your communications with me to the media.


Jose A. Baez, Esq.


Posted by on September 25, 2008 in DAMN, Uncategorized


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50 responses to “Jose Baez (Casey’s defense) Writes Juvenile letter to OC Sherrif’s Office!

  1. sophie

    September 25, 2008 at 1:41 pm

    The sooner this is all over with, the sooner Hose Baez slips into obscurity. This newfound ‘fame’ has gone to his head. And yes, the typo on his name is deliberate because he is a hose.

    He obviously was a small town non standout attorney before and we can see he never got anywhere by the fact that his letter and his manner of doing business is so unprofessional and juvenile.

    He was lucky that the Anthony’s couldn’t afford a decent attorney for Casey. That fact alone is what catapulted him to all this attention.

    You can tell, he now thinks of himself in the caliber of the infamous ‘dream team’ Simpson had.

    He has to drag this out as long as he can, keep his name out there as long as he can.

    If you ask me, he’s just as sociopathic as Casey.
    What’s not okay for anyone else to do, is certainly okay for him to do.

    I can’t wait till he’s a nobody again.

    He’s very slimy and oily.

  2. GB

    September 25, 2008 at 1:43 pm


    With all due respect, I disagree with you. I think the Baez letter is an appropriate and succinctly stated representation of his client’s position.

    Don’t get me wrong; I certainly think, as do most, that her defense strategy is based in lunacy; however, Jose Baez is bound by professional ethics to face whatever charges are filed with the story his client has given him.

    I can promise you that he has advised Casey to tell him everything she knows, and to tell him immediately if her story is going to change. Is he required to believe her story? Certainly not; he does, after all, possess an IQ higher than 50. He is, however, compelled by ethics to represent her according to her version of events.

    His problem is that his client’s story has holes that a Mack truck can be driven through. He’s aware of that.

    When Baez’ letter is interpreted through the point of view that the authorities should be following leads that will track down this phantom “Zenaida.”

  3. GB

    September 25, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Sorry –

    Incomplete thought above! My point was that the letter makes sense if one considers that their position is that the authorities should be looking for a living Caylee.

    • Patrick McDonald

      June 24, 2011 at 11:19 pm

      GB –

      No. actually, there are any number of reasons why this letter – if genuine – is an absolutely a rotten way to communicate with the the O.S. Sheriff’s office.

      1. It’s unprofessional, in that the “smart ass” language does not in any way show the proper decorum to a law enforcement agency from a man who is – in actuality – an officer of the court.

      2. Such phrasing as “better late than never, I suppose” is counterproductive to the case. Insulting an agency – regardless of whether it is accurate – does nothing to advance the case. Law enforcement types leak secret tips to attorneys all the time. Insulting them is brainless.

      3. As a criminal attorney, Baez certainly knows that it is not merely juvenile, but stupid, to contribute to a bad relationship with an agency he will certainly be dealing with in the future. Unless he plans to retire after this case, his attitude is burning communication bridges with cops, and that’s mental midgetry.

      4. As a juris doctor, he ought to know that his reputation will far outlive this case. And in his world, reputation is everything.

  4. halfpint42592

    September 25, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    Jose Baez is yet another slimy lawyer who is looking to gain fame and fortune at any expense. Six hours a day with his client? I don’t think that throughout this entire ordeal Casey Anthony has given six hours of any valuable information and yet they are meeting 30 hours a week? Hmmm…. perhaps Mr. Baez is the latest man to fall under the spell of Casey’s apparent sexual nature…

  5. Mona

    September 25, 2008 at 6:17 pm

    How dare the Sheriffs dept. wait 2 months to search for Caylee, I mean after all her mother was so prompt in reporting her missing! Get a grip Baez, get your schlong out of Casey’s mouth and tell Casey to tell the truth about where Caylee is buried.

  6. GB

    September 25, 2008 at 6:35 pm

    Oh, come on, you guys!

    Jose Baez is doing everything a good defense attorney is supposed to do. It just so happens that his client is the most notorious and hated individual since O.J.

    Why accuse him of an illicit relationship with Casey Anthony? This would be a criminal violation of the legal code, and would cause immediate disbarment.

    Again, it is not his job to extract the truth from Casey. That distinction belongs to the prosecutor. It is his job to represent his client’s position to the best of his ability.

    As far as I can tell, Baez is doing a phenomenal job with impossible odds staring him in the face.

  7. Mona

    September 25, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    GB get a grip on reality! How many other clients spend 6 hours a day at their Attorney’s office?

  8. halfpint42592

    September 25, 2008 at 7:30 pm

    ” Doing a phenomenal job with the impossible odds that are staring him in the face” ??
    What job is that? Negotiating mocie and book deals?
    No, I guess it’s not his job to extract the truth from her. But I can’t imagine what he is doing for 6 hours a day.
    Defense attorney or not, at some point something has to kick in and say ” What the hell is wrong here?”
    How dare he accuse the investigators of not doing their job, had his client done her job as a mother we wouldn’t be debating this issue would we?

  9. Robin

    September 25, 2008 at 8:56 pm

    The OC sheriff’s office has wrote this after finding out that she has changed her story completely. She was telling the guys driving her to her lawyers a story about meeting Zenaida in a park. They are trying to figure out if she has new information. To me, Jose just made himself look like a big jerk who is taking on Casey’s personality. He is making it sound like him and his client are hiding something and concentrating on when the OC sheriff’s department needed the information versus the truth. She has changed her story so much that they would have to write a new letter every week requesting new information.

  10. dwdn52

    September 25, 2008 at 9:40 pm

    I do think that Baez is doing his best to represent a head-case like Casey. She has managed to waste so much time that there’s no way little Caylee can be found. She seems to be enjoying her 15 minutes. As for 30 hours/wk @ lawyer- she probably doesn’t want to face her family. Accusing att’y of illicit acts; could be actionable?

  11. sophie

    September 26, 2008 at 2:37 am

    Again, I’d be very careful of people on this or any other site in obvious favor of the Anthony’s or Baez. It’s not like they don’t all have computers, the internet and the ability to try to sway the public their way.

    Not that you can’t have a good debate or an honest opinion in favor of the Anthony’s…but I assume that they are trying to do damage control any way they can.

  12. GB

    September 26, 2008 at 3:53 am


    Jose Baez is not representing her in whatever entertainment deals are being offered. There are attornies who specialize in that industry. Baez is a criminal defense attorney, and a very good one.

    Why does his client spend six hours a day there? It’s none of my business, nor is it any of yours, but he does not commit every hour of every day to this particular client. He has other clients.

    I swear, every time you blog or post, you demonstrate your lack of knowledge about how the professional world works.

    Go back to watching your soap operas.

  13. GB

    September 26, 2008 at 4:07 am


    You also need a healthy dose of reality. I am not an attorney. I have never met any member of the Anthony family. I am merely an intelligent and informed individual who is just as heartbroken over the tragic demise of this precious child.

    I am also a person who prides herself on fair and just reasoning based on scientifically verifiable and/or documentable evidence.

    Any casual observer who is concerned with how Casey Anthony spends her days, and cannot come up with an explanation other than tawdry, backroom sex is either a silly, prepubescent youth, or lacks the ability to reason on any meaningful level.

  14. Boochild

    September 26, 2008 at 11:01 pm

    Baez is taking appropriate steps and precautions in representing Ms. Anthony. His job is not to judge his client but to provide her with the best defense possible based on the facts of the case as known to him. Obviously, his defense will be shaped by the information given him by his client and by the factual evidence revealed throughout the discovery process of this case.

    As relates to possible reasons for Ms. Anthony spending 6 hours a day at his office, my guess would be that he does not trust her not to speak about the case with her family and so he has asked her to “assist” with her defense at his office. She’s proven herself to be a pathological liar that has changed her story many times along the way. He’s likely trying to prevent anything similar from happening again. It is his only way of “controlling” his client.

    Just my opinion but coming from someone with many years experience on both sides of the fence…prosecution and defense.

  15. wandy

    September 27, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    I think Casey Anthony is paying attorney Baez with her body..he looks way too pleased!!! and where is the $$ to pay him??

  16. halfpint42592

    September 28, 2008 at 4:14 am

    Oh for the love of God!! Now, nobody is allowed to have an opinion on the attorney either? If you don’t now him, don’t know the Anthony’s and are in no way affiliated with this case, then you don’t know anything either.
    Your incessant rambling of your intelligence and everyone elses stupidity is getting very old. I believe if you’ll go back to my blog quite a few people have left you some words for thought.
    Furthermore, now you know that he is an excellent attorney? Really, because it is clear to see that he is looking to become famous at any cost.
    Seriously, I cannot for the life of me understand why you continue to read these blogs when you are so obviously against any opinion that is not in agreement with yours.

  17. GB

    September 30, 2008 at 7:06 pm

    “Clear” that Baez is “looking to become famous at any cost?” So you’re in his head, and you know what motivates him as a criminal defense attorney? Baez endured many years of dedicated post-graduate study so that he would one day be affiliated with a notorious case?

    That’s about the nuttiest of your claims to date. I’ve made a resolution: From this day forward, I will not acknowledge any such inanities. It doesn’t mean I’m not reading and shaking my head in disbelief; I simply choose not to respond to anything unworthy of mention.

  18. halfpint42592

    September 30, 2008 at 7:10 pm

    Not once did I say he studied all of those year in order to become affiliated with a notorious case. Stop reaching now…
    If you need me to spell out exactly what that means to you then so be it: He is grandstanding just as much as he claims the OCSD to be.
    Glad that you decided to sit back, and stop being the ” self appointed almighty know it all” that you have been in every comment…

  19. NINA

    October 6, 2008 at 11:28 pm

    Caseys Lawyer,JOSE BAEZ is also looking for some thing out of this !ITS all so sad to think a movie will be made from this crazy story and they all will gain something from it.AND this child is some where out there still, and most likley will never be found.I dont know how they can live with themselfs,any of them.HE said that person of interest is the same thing as a SUSPECT.NO MR.BAEZ its not..AND sooner or later your pathetic client is going to be arrested for MURDER.THEN i am sure u are going to try to prove mentally insane on her behave..WHICH u even know she is not mentally insane..WHAT she is ,liar thief ,cunning and has a black soul ..SHE knows where her little girl is and u know she knows what happened to her.YOU CAN BLAME HER MR.BAEZ for how people are judgeing her. they all think they are going to get rich off this little girl,which if a movie ever comes from this(which i believe will)but when that time does happen i believe all the proceeds should go to the missing children and the police department and all those that took part in trying to find this baby.AND along with that ZENAIDA should be given also from this .THE ANTHONYS NO..THEY have done nothing but dispute every thing the police and tests that have came back.ITS time they stopped covering for CASEY and realize that CASEY holds all the answers.REGARDLESS OF HER LIES,SHE DOES KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO CAYLEE.

  20. Journey

    October 9, 2008 at 5:46 am

    Yeah he was definitely just trying to twist it responding to the letter as if they finally had interest. What an idiot. No they told you what they wanted. They wanted the truth of the last time Casey saw Caylee and it says clear and there as they didn’t have anything to help them find Caylee just falsehoods and misleading information. What an idiot I’ll convey the message. Albeit two months later yeah right albiet your client would have never reported her missing in the first place, and albeit those two months caused by her. Even using a dumb word like albeit in the first place trying to sound all stupid. Idiot. What a moron as if oh yeah that makes sense the police were just barely starting to take an interest in starting to look for Caylee, and you “suppose” it’s better late. What an idiot. Oh you suppose finding the little girl is a good thing? What an idiot. Just trying to twist it up. He’s the one playing stupid games. Yeah sure the tone of his own letter doesn’t even sound cooperating then tries to hit them with “cooperating”. Just completely NO help at all his reply. What does he mean the police are under pressure because THEY haven’t found Caylee. Why is this poor child missing in the first place? Yeah it’s pressure you moron that’s what it is. No they care more about the welfare of the child and finding her then her own mother or YOU! Take a class in being sly like a fox before you try to write these crystal clear see through letters dumbell!

  21. Journey

    October 9, 2008 at 6:08 am

    Got cut off here. Anyway these are the police you’re dealing with here guy! You want their help and you give them this attitude? That sounds like he already knows there isn’t any hope in his clients leads with that kind of attitude. What do you mean you’ll pass on the message? It’s not a message liar, and you know it’s not. They asked you right there if you’re willing to help. You’ll discuss it with your client further? What do you mean? She’s your client and she hasn’t told you either when she last saw Caylee? Might as well just have said right there that yeah my ethical obligation confines me. Instead of spinning that garb.

  22. wandy

    October 10, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    If you ask me..once again I personally think that there is a flame going on between them. I might be wrong but just the way that he deals with her..handeling her his briefcase, holding hands etc etc.
    I am predicting that if everything that he wishes is granted by the court, he will help her escape/or they both will be caught in the act..revoming Caylee’ s remain and trying to get rid of them…That is my on personal opinion ..and this is a free country where we can express ourselves…….

  23. Antoinette Vawter

    October 10, 2008 at 8:51 pm

    GB, I fully agree with your assessment of the matter and of Jose Baez, Esq. He has a lynx for a client and he is doing a creditable job. The defendant damages people close to her and destroys her relationship to them, so I will not be surprised if she turns and bites her attorney one day when she doesn’t like the progress of the case against her. That will be the mistake one doesn’t come home from.

  24. JourneysNonnie

    October 10, 2008 at 9:23 pm

    If she is convicted I think any and all money made from books movies etc… should go to the police agenies equasearch and all who actually SEARCHED for this child with no help from the family.

  25. Lee & Casey incest

    October 10, 2008 at 9:34 pm

    “Why accuse him of an illicit relationship with Casey Anthony? This would be a criminal violation of the legal code, and would cause immediate disbarment.”
    FOR THAT VERY REASON – he needs to be disbarred and shunned by society. He makes money defending child murderers and is completely incompetent. We cannot allow people to harm our society in this way.

  26. citizenkim

    October 11, 2008 at 4:56 am

    Holy frijoles! I have been so slammed lately that I missed out on this whole back and forth– and I psychotically LOVE comments!!

    I may have to include some of this in a new blog about Jose bc after today’s performance I’m even more convinced that I was right about his skill set. He’s WAY out of his league and I thought his performance today was sad. The judge had to help him several times, he didn’t cite proper case law and could not seem to get to his point. A little bit of the whiny b!tch came out again. I just hope that Casey, if convicted, does not get to overturn due to ineffective counsel.

    I’d also be curious to know if GB or anyone else changed their opinion of Jose after today’s performance 10/10/08????

  27. A Law Student (3L)

    October 24, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    Baez graduated from a Bottom Tier Law School:

    St. Thomas University (Ranked 182nd in a field of 185 law schools).

    To wit, the LSAT score of the ‘brightest’ student in Baez’s class would fail to ‘make the cut’ at some 151 of the 185 law schools ranked by the Internet Legal Research Group.

    It is interesting to note that Baez makes no mention of his less-than-distinguished alma mater on his website.

    (To acknowledge such a thing would no doubt take the ‘shine’ right off of the ridiculous faux ‘coat of arms’ he has chosen for his one-man firm)

    To be fair, I am willing to believe that Baez’s alma mater has produced some fine lawyers, however, it is clear that Baez is not one of them.

    Indeed, until I witnessed Baez in action, I had assumed that there was no such thing as an inarticulate lawyer.

    Regardless of whether Baez is speaking or writing, he appears to have the vocabulary of the average 12 year-old, but without benefit of the average 12 year-old’s understanding of grammar!

    Worse still, Baez looks at least as uncertain, hesitant, inexperienced & uneducated as a nervous 2nd year law student appearing in a court of law for the first time as a volunteer with their school’s legal clinic.

    (Crying, “Not fair!” in the course of a court proceeding is proof that Baez is not only woefully uneducated and unprofessional, but so lacking in basic intelligence that ‘common sense’ can elude him – even the most casual TV viewers, deluged as they are in ‘Law & Order’ reruns and ads for Court TV, could probably surmise that this particular childhood refrain has no place
    in a court of law!)

    The fact that 8 years elapsed between the time Baez finished law school and the date he first wrote the bar exam is not the only curious aspect of his dubious standing a s a lawyer.

    The fact that he has misrepresented his legal experience by listing the outcomes of cases he was involved with AS A STUDENT with his school’s legal clinic (where a student’s work is closely supervised by review counsel, and often involves little more than putting on a suit and observing experienced lawyers ‘do their thing’) is beneath contempt.

    If such deceit is not grounds for disbarment in Florida, it ought to be!

    Alas, the sooner Baez can be marginalized in this case (for example, via court appointed counsel), the better.

    Indeed, it would be a terrible miscarriage of justice to allow the monstrous Casey Anthony to avail herself of the patently foreseeable ‘ineffective counsel’ claims that lie in almost every move that Baez makes (hiring incompetent, fly-by-night PR ‘firm’ that undermines his client on CNN) or fails to make (motion for speedy trial).

    Give it up Baez! Even lowly St. Thomas law school grads are smart enough to see right through YOU and that tacky ‘coat of arms’ you lifted from the internet! (Apparently, your grasp of IP law is even weaker than your ‘knowledge’ of criminal law & procedure!)

  28. A Law Student

    October 27, 2008 at 5:38 pm

    Baez graduated from a Bottom Tier Law School:

    St. Thomas University (Ranked 182nd in a field of 185 law schools).

    To wit, the LSAT score of the ‘brightest’ student in Baez’s class would fail to ‘make the cut’ at some 151 of the 185 law schools ranked by the Internet Legal Research Group.

    It is interesting to note that Baez makes no mention of his less-than-distinguished alma mater on his website.

    (To acknowledge such a thing would no doubt take the ‘shine’ right off of the ridiculous faux ‘coat of arms’ he has chosen for his one-man firm)

    To be fair, I am willing to believe that Baez’s alma mater has produced some fine lawyers, however, it is clear that Baez is not one of them.

    Indeed, until I witnessed Baez in action, I had assumed that there was no such thing as an inarticulate lawyer.

    Regardless of whether Baez is speaking or writing, he appears to have the vocabulary of the average 12 year-old, but without benefit of the average 12 year-old’s understanding of grammar!

    Worse still, Baez looks at least as uncertain, hesitant, inexperienced & uneducated as a nervous 2nd year law student appearing in a court of law for the first time as a volunteer with their school’s legal clinic.

    (Crying, “Not fair!” in the course of a court proceeding is proof that Baez is not only woefully uneducated and unprofessional, but so lacking in basic intelligence that ‘common sense’ can elude him – even the most casual TV viewers, deluged as they are in ‘Law & Order’ reruns and ads for Court TV, could probably surmise that this particular childhood refrain has no place
    in a court of law!)

    The fact that 8 years elapsed between the time Baez finished law school and the date he first wrote the bar exam is not the only curious aspect of his dubious standing as a lawyer.

    The fact that he has misrepresented his legal experience by listing the outcomes of cases he was involved with AS A STUDENT with his school’s legal clinic (where a student’s work is closely supervised by review counsel, and often involves little more than putting on a suit and observing experienced lawyers ‘do their thing’) is beneath contempt.

    If such deceit is not grounds for disbarment in Florida, it ought to be!

    Alas, the sooner Baez can be marginalized in this case (for example, via court appointed counsel), the better.

    Indeed, it would be a terrible miscarriage of justice to allow the monstrous Casey Anthony to avail herself of the patently foreseeable ‘ineffective counsel’ claims that lie in almost every move that Baez makes (e.g. hiring incompetent, fly-by-night PR ‘firm’ that undermines his client on CNN) or fails to make (e.g. motion for speedy trial).

    Give it up Baez! Even lowly St. Thomas law school grads are smart enough to see right through YOU and that tacky ‘coat of arms’ you lifted from the internet! (Apparently, your grasp of IP law is even weaker than your ‘knowledge’ of criminal law & procedure!)

  29. Carly

    December 14, 2008 at 11:49 am

    This Baez is in this for the publicity — and to build up his firm beyond green cards and loitering cases.

    Getting in the media and making ridiculous statements, going along with the mythical story of a Hispanic babysitter, who grabs a child from a white mother with no money to pay ransom speaks to his common sense level — and the low level on which he operates on.

    Once Casey’s fingerprints are found on the garbage bag and absolutely likely, the duct tape found on the bag and the body, I can’t wait to hear the greazy explanation from Jose Baez.

    Will he say that they were planted there? Is he that stupid? He’s stupid enough to have not made a successful plea deal for his client BEFORE the body was found.

    Now he’s got nothing. But somehow, I think he started out with even less.

    He won’t build up his practice on this case. Child killers never benefit a lawyer’s success — they prevent it.

  30. Lord Denning

    December 15, 2008 at 11:45 pm

    Jose Baez thinks “disjustice” is a word!

    On this ground alone, he is a disgrace to the legal profession.

  31. AJ

    December 19, 2008 at 7:27 pm

    Geraldo says he’s a great lawyer…hehe

    • citizenkim

      December 19, 2008 at 7:33 pm

      Geraldo and Jose are good buddies.

  32. Woodleigh

    January 12, 2009 at 2:55 am

    What I’ve learned is that neither George nor Lee Anthony put their trust in Jose Baez.

  33. halfpint42592

    January 17, 2009 at 9:43 am


  34. ellen b.

    January 30, 2009 at 8:17 pm

    jose baez knows casey killed sweet little caylee. he knows she cannot pay him. guess he got paid by her cunt a lot in his office, but what is he getting now? maybe he can hold her hand in the electric chair and get a jolt himself.

  35. Bob D. Caterino

    January 31, 2009 at 7:23 am

    Look, thats sounds fishy to me. She will pay them in the rights to her story when it is over because HER LIPS ARENT SEALED.

  36. michael roman

    November 13, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    bueno que puedo decir el es un aboga fatal el no sirve como abogado el quiere cojer asus cliente de pendejo y no es asi el lo unico q pide es dinero dinero eso es lo unico q sale de su boca.. no lo contraten no hagan ese error…

  37. michael roman

    November 13, 2009 at 3:42 pm

    el tiene el caso de osceola de la fuga de el muchacho y no aecho nada porese hombre q le hicieron un arresto mal echo ese muchacho estaba tranquilo con su fam y paso loq paso pero el no estaba preso expliquen como le echaron todos esos cargo como paso eso i baez no aecho nada por el lo tiene pillado..asi q como abogado no sirve no es un amigo no es abogado solo pide dinero dinero por favor nocometan un error miren primero la experiencia del abogado …

  38. maynard

    April 16, 2010 at 11:35 am

    That letter is beyond imbicile! What parent would fail to cooperate in an investigation into their child disappearance, let a lone wait two months for some acknowledgement that the police would take them up on an offer to, before they world?!

    • citizenkim

      May 25, 2010 at 12:07 pm

      I know – you’re exactly right. There is no explaining her lack of concern.

  39. Brock

    July 15, 2010 at 11:10 pm

    The poor little man Baez comes off like Anthony is his only client – kind of sad….
    When Baez looks at Casey, he looks like he is drooling and saying under his breath, “thank you for killing your daughter…you just made my career”. He just looks like this is what he is thinking, as he pensively stares at her in the court. Body language is louder than words

    Baez is a prick who smiles when anyone other than himself is talking…it appears to be his way of showing disrespect or boredom, when really he is a nervous wreck.

    Baez comes off so novice and out of his league…there may be s & L skins about him one day…

    It is funny, he gives off this impression that he had maybe one client and just happened to be at the jail at the time Casey was at the jail, and landed her as his client. He just gives off the vibe that he has not had too many clients. It is funny.
    This is a big break, though, and I do think he has not blown it yet anyway – since this is obviously his only client he better not.
    Doesn’t he look like a kid on the first day of school with a new lunch box?

  40. ChattyCathy

    April 5, 2011 at 1:33 pm

    JB is nothing but a juvenile playing a game,He brown noses when he has too otherwise it’s a game to him!
    This video shows his actions are not appropriate and just how serious he takes the case!
    It is so obvious to watch him and kc from the mark 2:49!
    Watch caseys hands direct him first to the left,then to the right…and he blocks the cam while she thinks she’s getting away with giving the court the finger! While they laugh!
    It is soooooooooo Obvious!
    JB this is Caylee’s justice and not a dang playground for you and your snickers and games with the mother of a child whose dead!
    You are the lowest form of life there possibly can ever be……jmo!

  41. Miss619

    April 5, 2011 at 6:57 pm

    Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions..however, it is clear that many of you base your opinions on media coverage, ignorance (about the law), immaturity, and irrelevance. I guess it isn’t your fault that you think that way, and I wouldn’t even have a comment about such statements if it only came down to that.
    However it just amazes me when such people act like they understand the legal system thoroughly, yet in the same breath can say Baez is scum for defending Casey (among other comments), and for simply doing what a defense attorney is supposed to do ! There were comments implying Baez is incompetent when in actuality, he is doing exactly what is supposed to be doing. It’s as if some of you expect Baez to come out and say his client is a crazy liar and can’t get her story straight and just give the prosecution their case. He took an oath and he could be disbarred for breaking his client’s confidentiality or for not defending her to the best of his ability! These cases are always expensive, especially this one, and we can be assured he is not getting rich off of this case..that’s laughable. Contrarily, various media outlets are profiting off feeding unverified and sometimes plain untrue stories to its blind followers. I don’t see how people could think he enjoys this…I’m sure he is more stressed than he’s ever been and the high profile of this case has only made his job harder. Due to the media’s scrutiny and irresponsible reporting that only fuels the unfounded opinions such as those seen on this page, it is going to be probably impossible to get unbiased jurors in those seats.

    If you choose not to learn anything, realize this: A defense attorney’s job has nothing to do with his client’s guilt or innocence.

    Anyone who really knows anything about the justice system would realize that those things do not go hand in hand! Defense lawyers don’t take on cases because they believe their clients or want to set murderers and rapists free.
    The purpose of a defense attorney is to ensure that justice is being done. If you ever come across a defense attorney who tries serious cases (murder, sex crimes, etc), he will likely tell you that even if he believed his client was guilty, he wouldn’t feel bad that about winning the case (unless the client committed another crime) and would still try his hardest to fight for the client. The roles of the defense & prosecution are about more than putting guilty behind bars, but also making sure the standards of putting those people in jail are set high.. so that even if only 1 out of 12 people believe there is a CHANCE that the crime was not committed by the defendant, they won’t be found guilty. Notice how it is not GUILTY or INNOCENT, but GUILTY or NOT GUILTY.

    It’s just sad that the one person who seemed to truly have an understanding of the aspects of the legal workings in this case (GB) was insulted and made to seem unintelligent…obviously to those who are capable of understanding, it didn’t work. But really…accusations of being on Casey Antony’s legal team because he stated something that was not a negative attack on her??? Some of you are so close minded & ignorant if you believe that with the billions of people in the world, a comment posted on this small page must have been made by one of the few members on her defense team.. simply because they had what you believed was a different opinion than you (but what turned out to be a just a more intelligent & better understanding of the law and meaning of justice).

    Let’s just hope that in the name of justice, whether it comes in the form of a guilty or not guilty verdict, death penalty or not, etc… that the comments made on this page are not the image of what a typical group of citizens looks like mentally.

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