Tag Archives: what happened to Caylee?

Casey: Compelling Motivation to Party Like a Rock Star

Jose keeps saying that AT TRIAL it will ALL be revealed as to WHY Casey Danced her Ass, ASS off while her little girl was “missing” !!!???!!! This is interesting bc I CANNOT see how he’s NOT setting himself up for a fall, for- an armada of police cars to deal w/your client if you will. I’m pretty sure this is a path that he should NOT stumble down. You are writing a check that your skills, the facts, no one in their right mind woulda coulda shoulda cash, Jose. BIG mistake, colossal, HUGE. IMO. Now I’ve been TRYING to be nice to Jose ever since he got his panties in a wad over a previous post but COME ON JOSE, pls don’t make it so difficult. We don’t want to, as the court doesn’t want to…”tee off on her.” However…

First of all, how are you going to establish the story w/out putting your girl on the stand? OOPS. Secondly, any reason you could possibly fathom will not be able to accommodate ALL of the juvenile, thoughtless, slutty, criminal, loathsome, abhorrent and completely asinine things your client has done. Thirdly, WHY in the hell haven’t you released a sketch of the nanny or the “perp”- WHO took that baby and killed her??? IF you truly believe your client didn’t do it- then you should be OBSESSED w/finding out WHO DID IT??D!!!@#$%^ Hey, how about putting out a SKETCH of the perp? I’m just saying.

But I AM actually FASCINATED by the idea of your story. Let’s all just take a moment or two and really stretch our imaginations. I will give a brand new copy of the Diane Fanning book on Caylee – to the best scenario. I accidentally bought two. Well, I pre-ordered one from Amazon and then they shanked me and didn’t get it to me in a timely manner. I was leaving the country so I was FORCED to buy another one at the airport. It’s not impressive IMO- anyone could have written it- it seems to be almost entirely transcripts of intvs- which most of us (obsess much?) have read and there are many typos (which believe it or not is a major pet peeve of mine). Granted there are many here- but this is a vastly different medium. I am mostly RANTING here and using things like OMG and IMO. IF I were to publish- I would make good and gosh darn sure that I didn’t have any typos AND BONUS –I would NEVER use the word MACADAM. That’s a promise! Has anyone else noticed how that word is popping up w/MUCH too much regularity? I’m pretty sure Diane Fanning used it, Dean Koontz can’t get enough of it and I was recently subjected to it thanks to Robin Cook, Ann Rule and Dominick Dunne. For some reason it annoys the crap out of me. Just say pavement- we ALL have access to a thesaurus – color me unimpressed. It makes me want to POUND my head into the MACADAM!! BTW- did you see that hilarious toss that Jon Stewart and Colbert did the other day– about the thesaurus?? Too funny- I will look for a link.

Now back to the compelling reasons to party like a rock star. I am not here to suggest that there are NO reasons to party like a rock star. I myself have stumbled across MANY: freshman in college, first credit card, first Grateful Dead/Rolling Stones/Van Halen concert, first time in Amsterdam, best friend’s wedding, open bar… you get the idea. There are a PLETHORA of good reasons to engage in such activity. HOWEVER, if my daughter, or hell, even my DOG were missing I would need something happening on a sort of Tony Soprano scale with CONSTANT reinforcement to make me get my groove on and do NOTHING for a month.

Sorry Jose but we’re just going to have to apply the “we’re not quite as stupid as you (think we are)” line of reasoning here. What could POSSIBLY be the reason that would compel YOU to go out to bars, recruiting everyone you know (through facebook, myspace and text msgs) to join you in the party, the all white party, the anything but clothes party the hot body contest and the plain old dancing on stage w/a girl for the cameras at the club party, all the while – you NEVER use your phone or computer to research WHO took your daughter, you never create a file- try to look up Zanny or her roommates, of course you never call the police or tell your parents, friends, ANYONE who actually exists. You go about your life as if nothing is amiss, you ONLY speak of Caylee when asked and when prompted come up w/DETAILED agendas of who she’s with and where. The person you sleep with…the one you live with and say I love you to- you NEVER mention any of this to him and are able to completely snow him?!

OK, so let’s think about a scenario. I don’t work so perhaps I’m engaged in something nefarious. Which I’ve suspected but wouldn’t that have come out? I’ve seen ONE picture that looks like Casey engaged in porno/paris hilton type behavior. IF she was doing that…then where was the money? Is THAT how she’s paying Jose? IF they prosecutor’s know this- wouldn’t we know it by now????

Anyway- that’s one scenario that I can fathom- IF I dial my brain down to almost stupid. Let’s suppose…I’ve been engaged in something like this- and the people I work for are SHADY. Something I’ve done has pissed them off. They take my daughter in order to convince me to rectify the error. Well, if my character was appropriately shady, I think I MIGHT think– OK, I don’t want my secret to come out, I will do what they say and I will get my daughter back w/out anyone finding out I’m a dirtball. Problem here is- would that take me a MONTH before I re- PRIORITIZED as to my daughter’s life?? NO!! I would comply immediately and if unsuccessful- get SOMEONE involved. Considering my incredible capacity for lying- I might try to turn the tables on them and get police involved w/out them knowing. Which is what MOST RATIONAL PEOPLE do when something horrific happens and they are warned against getting police involved.

Does anyone remember the intv when George was shown pictures or something that detectives warned him about, then apologized for and which George then had to leave the room for and vomit? Something very upsetting— I’m sure I’m getting the details wrong. WHAT was that?

IF Casey was making money this way– as in some sex trade job– I wouldn’t be surprised. Jane on ISSUES HLN had Jose on the other day and he said that the money question as to HOW he’s getting paid was CONFIDENTIAL. No SHIT, Sherlock, we KNOW that you plan to make your NAME from this case. That kind of publicity can be priceless. BUT I’m still curious about Casey’s story about hearing about Jose– she tells Lee that she heard about him from a fellow “inmate” in booking, and then w/out prompting (she likes to bolster her lies) she says something like yeah but not only that inmate recommended him but others in the line did too. As if to say…. OHHHH, so all of these people who are sitting in jail- they have someone they recommend. That’s like accepting – Mrs. Nussbaum’s credit card bc….As long as we have a VOUCHER. ANYWAY, that doesn’t really matter BUT what would surprise me would be her actually having money bc WHERE is the MONEY??? Would she risk blowing her cover SOOOO many times by stealing money from Caylee’s bank, asking folks for money etc. when her DAD is a former COP who has ALREADY demonstrated suspicion as to her employment. Granted, maybe the POINT was she was building a nest egg in order to disappear to CALI once she had killed Caylee. But you would think, (which may be a mistake- DON’T THINK- YOU’RE CASEY) that she would care enough to keep her parents (especially dad) off her back so that the EXIT plan would seem smooth. HMMM.

Anyway, WHAT could POSSIBLY be the scenario? The COMPELLING reason Casey NEVER reported her daughter missing and acted like she didn’t give a damn that she was gone???!@#$


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What did George and Cindy know and when?

So, I didn’t find out about this contest in time to read through these old posts and find the best one. But ranting about Casey Anthony reminded me how much I love to write and I do want to claim that title, writer so desperately that I’m willing to enter this barely cleaned up text with all-caps, bolding and ranting just so that I can enter !! I hope I will find it motivating to revive this blog and write more often- it will pain me to put this out there without updating with something that actually moves beyond a drafty ramble. This was originally published on 10/30/09.

I’m still TRYING to give them the benefit of the doubt at least as to their knowledge and actions prior to July 15. But it seems like most of what I read on the interwebs and blogospheres does not seem to reinforce the feeling. I’m surprised though, at the number of people who believe that Cindy and/or George were involved in Caylee’s death or at least had guilty knowledge of it. Let’s just say there are many spots available in the Anthony fan club— lots and lots of them. But I wonder if most people really think they have guilty knowledge or they are just trying not to harm Casey any further now? They recently went on a Caribbean cruise, supposedly w/some of the $20,000 CBS (48 Hours) is paying them for their appearance or for licensing the photos and videos of Caylee. Which is common practice and frankly not that much money for this kind of case but would you go on a Caribbean cruise right now?

I’m not sure they really thought that through (surprise). I mean, everyone needs a break- but if I were of limited means, desperately searching for my grandaughter and thought that someone named Zenaida might have her in Puerto Rico…as they say…I think I might book a $204 flight to Puerto Rico rather than a cruise. Even though the prices seem to be about the same. Of course, on the cruise your room is included but in Puerto Rico they could just stay w/Ricardo’s family so…yeah, that might actually work out bc the way they talk about Ricardo they would surely need to look into his peeps over there–it’s perfect.

Honestly, I don’t really think it’s that terrible that they did that- took a vacation. But seriously, WHO THE HELL is advising them? How about at least waiting a bit. WHY must you do it when you KNOW you just brought the national spotlight on you again? How about wait a couple of weeks, a month? They thank the media for the vacation– telling the camera person– thanks you paid for this but then in the very next breath say- thanks a lot you just RUINED our vacation! Gee, the vacation was great until we docked and got to the pkg lot- it really went downhill from there.

Anyway, I almost want to call the Anthony’s up and offer to help them PR wise. They seem quite clueless or else they ceased to care. They should care though- they are NOT doing themselves or their daughter any favors. They seem to have ABSOLUTELY no concept of how one thing that comes out of your mouth should usually agree w/the next or at least have some relation to it. The way they think and operate should truly be studied. But I digress.

I think it’s OBVIOUS how much they loved Caylee and my heart goes out to them for their tragic loss- it is clear they were DEVASTATED. Casey…not so much. The only times that I can remember her crying were when she found out she wouldn’t get out on bond, casey cryingwhen her dad said “hey gorgeous” in a jail visitation and casey crying2when she and Jose gave a press conference as she was about to turn herself in to go back to jail and he blathered on about what an amazing mom she was and how hard this ordeal has been for her after people actually started looking for Caylee. In those jail visitations it’s ALL about Casey. She never once brings up trying to find Caylee and BARELY tolerates questions on the matter. Her parents tip toe around things so much it’s painful to watch.

Nobody gets a handbook on how to react in that situation. Strangely I think that part of their Caylee “foundation” includes plans to offer advice to people who find themselves in that situation–Wow. I’d be curious to know what their guidance would be because they have behaved quite BIZARRELY at times- not exactly a road map for success in the public eye.

Have you read those depositions taken by the state?? I do think the whole family is in MASSIVE cover up mode at this point and have been for quite some time. So much so, that they aren’t making much sense but again, they just don’t seem to realize it or care. But are they covering up some inside knowledge or just trying to save their daughter?

ALL 3 of them profess to believe that Caylee MAY still be alive!! My jaw is still sore from the fall on that one. I guess at some point I should cease to be surprised but they sure keep the hits coming! Apparently no one who ever crossed paths with Caylee is safe…

They think Jesse’s mom was that tip from Wanda at the Orlando airport. She flew Caylee to Atlanta and that’s where the other tip of someone matching Jesse and his truck were “seen.” Which explains why Jesse “high tailed” it out of O-town (to Athens, GA) so fast after Caylee disappeared. But, in case that’s not true they are also “hot on the trail” of some poor lady named Zenaida in Puerto Rico and they said that Ricardo is gay or bisexual and he and Amy are heavily involved in heroin use. I feel soo sorry for anyone that ever tried to befriend Casey.

I know many people think that the Anthony’s were involved somehow early on or at least knew about it and just pretended to search for Caylee all that time knowing she was dead. I just find that so hard to believe or else I just want so badly not to believe it. What did they know and when did they know it? I think they thought she might be alive or were desperately clinging to that right up until December 11th. However…

One thing I really want to figure out is–what is the deal w/Dominic Casey going to those woods in November where little Caylee was found twice or was it three times? There is something super fishy about that. I wasn’t following the case as closely at times so I think I missed a lot when all of that was coming out. But what I’ve read and seen so far bothers me. I cannot figure that one out. I just watched George’s depo in the civil suit and his reaction to this line of questioning seemed a bit strange to me as well. His attitude almost takes a 180 from the entire rest of the depo. The questioning starts in the last half of the second part. From the beginning of the interview until about this part George is hostile and unbelievably arrogant. He wants so badly to show this by looking down his nose at John Morgan. Unfortunately, he can’t because he’s not so tall and it almost looks like he’s leaning back to take care of a nose bleed. george grinch3Something about the faces he makes here remind me of the Grinch. grinch george And I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, George, because I happen to love Dr. Suess. I’m just saying. Your face is very expressive. Jim Carrey makes a lot of money that way.

I think Casey has probably threatened them with taking Caylee away anytime she didn’t get her way. She could see (through her jealous rage) how powerful Caylee was as a threat and she held that to their heads like a .357.

In that first phone call home from jail- the first time the police have a chance to help find Caylee- ALL she wants is Tony’s phone number. She rants angrily about the police– They’ve already said they’re going to pin this on me if they DON’T find Caylee!!– like THAT is the worst thing about them NOT FINDING YOUR DAUGHTER?!@!@#$%??

She also whines in that first call (2:10)- They just want Caylee back. That’s all they’re worried about right now is getting Caylee back!! Ooops, she tries to recover and say that’s all she’s worried about too…but FIRST… GIVE ME TONY’S NUMBER RIGHT NOW! You people can look for my daughter later but I NEED TO TALK TO MY F’IN BOYFRIEND!

Whenever she did leave on June 16 I think Cindy was worried, increasingly desperate and probably taking it out on George. Saying– You drove her away! You were always acting like a detective, checking up on her. You busted her at Sports Authority, you chased her down the highway– this is all YOUR fault. I blame YOU for not having my Caylee! I think George has been almost completely neutered (Cindy keeps those in a jar). He gets them back at certain times because he acknowledged the smell and warned one of the cops that night that his daughter might be lying. But speaking of that smell… WHY didn’t the many cops that were in and out of the house that night smell the trunk? A smell that distinct, immediately recognizable and permeating that car?? How thorough of a cleaning job did Cindy do on that car? Was the Febreze she sprayed everywhere powerful enough to have covered it? Seems doubtful.

Anyway, I think she blamed George and threatened him even more ‘after the crime’ and has now cracked the whip and circled the wagons. Now the only thing in their minds (Cindy, George and Lee) is SAVING CASEY. And sadly that doesn’t leave any room for reality, reason, civility or consistency- let alone JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE. Cindy says in that 48 Hours episode that justice for Caylee is what’s most important and that that will bring justice for Casey– the truth will set Casey free. I think they’ve treated truth so poorly it might not get a chance to stand up for Caylee anymore.


Posted by on October 30, 2009 in Uncategorized


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The Tot Mom Takes the Stage

Steven Soderbergh will direct a play about Casey called “Tot Mom” -WTF??
The play, will be on stage in Australia from December 18 to January 31. Staging down under evidently prevents having to compensate anyone for source material. The play will use excerpts from transcripts of Nancy Grace’s show, court documents and police reports.

Essie Davis will play Nancy Grace and I think Genevieve Hegney will play Casey, both are Aussie actresses.

This is just bizarre. I wonder what prompted him to do this? It’s exceedingly strange but I do love Soderbergh and have always wanted to go to Australia. This case just gets weirder and weirder.

Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Concerns?

On its Web site, the company notes that the case has baffled investigators and poses the questions “Why was Caylee’s disappearance not reported to police for over a month? When was the child last seen? What was the strange smell in the boot(hee hee boot) of Casey Anthony’s car? Who and where was the alleged babysitter?”

I think Soderbergh is so talented and I just find it puzzling that he’s obsessed enough w/this case that he’s taken time out of his busy schedule to WRITE a play about CASEY. Maybe he really is trying to end his career as this article suggests. In that article he said:

“In terms of my career, I can see the end of it,” he says. “I’ve had that sensation for a few years now. And so I’ve got a list of stuff that I want to do – that I hope I can do – and once that’s all finished I may just disappear.”

Aren’t you just kind of waiting to Ashton Kutcher or Jamie Kennedy to come out? I feel PUNKED. And my jaw is sore once again.

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Posted by on October 29, 2009 in Uncategorized


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The George and Cindy show- thanks larry- sick bag at the ready.

Larry starts w/–Why do you need an attny? George says–He’s a great confidant, and helps us focus. So you have to pay for friends? Brad pipes up that there were rumors of an obstruction of justice charge. Yeah, we’re still waiting.

Larry says he’s amazed by the thousands of responses on the blogs– um, he’s not astounded– that’s why he has the Anthony’s on there.

Cindy says- they’ve never been in our shoes, people are picking apart that we are supporting our daughter, and trying to make a good buck thing out of Caylee’s tragedy. George says he’s been a positive role model for other families going through this. Oh so deluded. I would LMAO if it weren’t so pathetic. OK, watch how they’ve handled it and behave in the exact opposite manner. What would that be an anti-role model?

Any sensible person would stand behind their daughter no matter what? Um, you’re NOT standing behind her you are standing in front of her and trying to block justice for Caylee! Get behind her and accept that she did it– that’s what a sensible person w/a good thought in their head would do.

George says they didn’t realize it was Caylee until 9-10 days after the remains were found and then, they were surprised. Hmm, your daughter seemed to realize it right away– I guess she remembered where she threw her daughter away.

Cindy says she hasn’t spoken to Casey bc visits will become public. Larry asks Brad – he says he thinks they should visit- he doesn’t see a down side. WTF? Have you mentioned that to your clients?

Cindy says they do communicate through letters. Larry says why not ask your daughter what’s going on?…George gives a nonsense answer. WHO CARES if it’s monitored– if she’s not involved what could be the harm? Cindy says Casey can do no right, if they go in there and see her, it can only harm her. Cindy says, look at us, we haven’t done anything and… WHAT PLANET IS SHE ON? Does she know that her depo was taped and we SAW it- does she know that she washed those pants after smelling decomp in the car? Does she realize that it insults our intelligence when she continues to try and paint Casey as a saint? Just acknowledge her faults, admit there were mistakes and let a little reality shine in– it tends to plug up the crazy that is leaking out all over the place sweetheart.

Brad admits that the State Attny’s office has been above board but then seems to complain about them releasing docs–um sunshine law much?

Brad is disputing that the duct tape was wrapped around the skull- idiotic. Was it just a necklace that Casey fashioned? A headband? Larry says he would support his child but he would be wondering? – asks George- George says he doesn’t want to believe that Casey could do it– Cindy is going to tear him a new one for this answer– he should have just answered emphatically NO- I would never believe Casey could do it. He’s off the script. Balls in a jar.

Cindy says she’s not convinced the body was where it was found back in August. Gee I wonder if that will be the defense strategy? Brad says that Casey’s reaction the day the remains were found – is being misinterpreted. Nice try.

Cindy doesn’t understand why the bloggers hate her when many thousands of mothers and Gmas support her. PLEASE email me Cindy- I will help you understand where we’re coming from. She has no love for the “bloggers” – she might just as well have called us “poka players” – ugh. She feels sad for us, we just look for faults in people (we’re pick aparters). That enrages me. What is her email? I would like to send her my questions. Yea! Larry asks if they are looking for the killer. Cindy says that there are investigators (wkg for them and some for the defense) who are still looking for the killer, but they are leaving them to their job. It’s a double, double, top secret operation- this looking for the killer. Mums the word about Zanny. Maybe Jose hasn’t decided which of Casey’s fantastical tales he’s going to try to spin in court. Eenie meanie miney moe- blame the nanny or blame Joe Blow? Cindy says their focus is making something good come out of Caylee’s tragedy. Wouldn’t JUSTICE for CAYLEE be something good to come from this tragedy?? WHO DID YOUR DAUGHTER TELL YOU TOOK CAYLEE??—let us help you find that person– to NOT be doing that while you claim to believe your daughter MAKES YOU LOOK TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY ASININE!! Note to Cindy: We’re not as think as you dumb we are.

He reads some emails- why can’t they help children w/out being in the public eye? Good one. Larry asks could they be blinded by the fact that Casey is their daughter? DEAF, DUMB and BLINDED!! Cindy says that she watched Casey be a great mother for 3 years and that NO ONE has come forward to say differently. BULLSH!T! The neighbors did, she called Caylee a snothead, and I believe the police report called her a bad mother for NOT REPORTING HER DAUGHTER MISSING FOR A MONTH!!!!! They ALL talked about how you would call Casey and make her come home when she was out– Caylee was clearly cramping Casey’s style. And weren’t YOU thinking about going for custody Cindy?

Good one Larry, he asks…shouldn’t all this prime time here be focused on the investigation- looking for the killer?? To which Cindy replies, w/that favorite Anthony word…Absolutely, Absolutely…BUT…she says she’s letting them do their job (I won’t help them here by showing a sketch of Zanny and begging your millions of viewers to look for her). She says she doesn’t know where to start w/this…that’s their job. WTF do you mean you don’t know where to start? I would start w/WHO TOOK CAYLEE FROM CASEY???!!! Let’s start there just for fun. It’s YOUR JOB to stand up for Caylee and find the TRUTH- no matter where it leads. That’s ABSOLUTELY what’s most important. GRR.

The poor Anthony’s are between a rock and a hard place – says Brad, he says it helps people when they share their grief publicly. How thoughtful of them. IT HELPS ME GET MY RAGE ON!! Thanks.

Larry calls this a Greek tragedy. George is talking about the 7-8 page suicide note that he wrote. That was sad. Larry asks if it was bc he thought Casey might have done it? – George says, no I never wrote that. Yeah, but did ya THINK IT? I think so, I think he KNOWS IT! Cindy says she wrote suicide notes and never acted on it. Cindy says you know how panicked you get when you lose your car keys or your cell phone? Imagine losing a child. OMG- I can’t even believe she just made that comparison!!

So that’s interesting though, that you were going to kill yourself even though you thought Caylee was still alive- that’s a great Gma Cindy. Cindy says her faith stopped her– Larry asked her twice why she didn’t do it– HA! George says he knows Casey couldn’t have done it bc he saw the love between Casey and Casey OOPS (freudian slip) I meant Caylee. WHY doesn’t Larry bring up the point that things were changing??- Casey had new friends, went out more, discovered the wonders of weed, had a new boyfriend who didn’t want a toddler around AND Caylee was talking more and beginning to be able to tattle—BAD combo. Caylee lost. Obviously there were things about their daughter that they were oblivious to- let’s bring that up and acknowledge it here- for those of us who like to live in the real world. Larry tries to drill down again on Casey acting “weirdly” by going out and partying. Cindy says, that’s not weird, she was a kid of just 22, I partied when I was 22. Larry snaps back– Not when your daughter was missing– NICE! Cindy seems flustered for a bit and George puts on that angry smile while Cindy tries to go back to that…it was just ONE picture BS. Here’s where Larry should say, Well NO, it was not that one picture- let’s deal w/reality. The VERY NIGHT CAYLEE WENT MISSING SHE RENTED MOVIES AT BLOCKBUSTER W/TONY! She was constantly going out, texting friends inviting them to Hot Body contests, running the shot girls at Fusian — JUST ADMIT SHE DIDN’T NOT APPEAR TO SHOW CONCERN FOR HER DAUGHTER!! Maybe she was acting off a script, right?

BUT NO-GRRRR- Larry lets Cindy get away w/the lie about there just being ONE partying picture AGAIN. That’s inexcusable– WHY keep letting them get away w/that LIE?? Larry asks Brad if he’s surprised it’s a death penalty case– his reply makes no sense– he says he’s surprised bc it’s a family case and usually the DP is for stranger on stranger crime. What a ridiculous argument. There are much better arguments for why it’s surprising they’re seeking the DP. Larry asks again, why they don’t go see her- she won’t say anything incriminating bc she didn’t do it right? George seems to imply that it’s at Casey’s request that they don’t go see her. AH HA some truth slips out. That’s ABSOLUTELY why they don’t go. The ‘acting concerned’ gig was just too much for Casey- she does NOT want to face them.

Larry beats it down– so why don’t you go, just go to see her, don’t you want to, just go? What’s the worst that could come of it? Cindy says she wants to go everyday but… the worst case scenario of going to visit would be watching people pick her apart again. Boo hoo. Wouldn’t the worst case scenario be NEVER knowing what happened? NEVER having Caylee’s killer brought to justice?? These people are so infuriating. They’re so manipulative but yet not smart enough to see that they could try to manipulate people in FAVOR OF them? Have them go and talk to Casey but flip the script and have Casey say OMG I was soo stupid to not have reported her missing and will you PLEASE keep looking for Zanny and asking anyone who knows anything to come forward?!? I realize now that I should have called 911 immediately, I should NEVER have lied to police, I should have told you guys what happened and I’m sorry! Pls when you get media time show this sketch of Zanny, this is the car she drove. I know you love t-shirts- how about wearing some t-shirts w/Zanny’s picture? We must find Zanny! Someone knows something. We have to keep looking. Almost w/out exception, when a crime like this is committed someone spills a secret. Ooops I just slipped into their alternate reality- silly Kim- Casey’s keeping her secrets. Scary monster!

They should beg people and plead for that IF they really believe someone else is involved.

Cindy says she smelled a smell in the car but she’s also smelled a smell in her fridge. WTF does she let rot in her fridge?? Dastardly squirrel corpses? Her house seemed so tidy otherwise. I’m sure some chloroform would clean that mess right up Cindy. Larry is saying- do you regret saying that in that (911) call? Cindy says no (that would require self reflection) I was just trying to lure the police to my house. Larry asks why Casey didn’t call the police the whole time her daughter was “missing” –Cindy says, Casey was probably coping and grieving the best she could. Larry’s like yeah, but it’s weird right? Yeah, it’s weird that Casey didn’t report her missing, Cindy says. Ya think? Cindy says AGAIN the LIE that it was ONE evening- out partying. OTHER PEOPLE, MANY witnesses have come forward to say that almost every night she was out partying and when she wasn’t she was sitting on Tony’s couch smoking weed. WAKE UP LARRY- THAT IS INFURIATING!!!!!!!

Cindy gives the story that Casey was looking for clues on the stripper pole in the club. Larry (how does he contain himself) asks… and that’s believable to you? It sounds funny. Cindy says we don’t know the whole story. No sh!t Sherlock, neither do you BECAUSE YOUR DAUGHTER AND THE TRUTH ARE UNACQUAINTED!! Larry asks if they ever pressed Casey for answers– George gives that weird smile– you can tell he regrets NOT PRESSING her more. He starts to say they didn’t really get a chance but Cindy interrupts and says… she was home we DID talk to her. George mumbles, NOT the way I wanted to sometimes. Poor George–he’s filled w/regret and he KNOWS what his daughter did. Cindy’s sense of self delusion is MUCH more powerful. She wants to stop this line of questioning and Larry moves on.

Ohhh Larry brings up Casey’s incriminating journal entry. Cindy says that was written in 2005 and Brad has that diary. Cindy says the prosecutor didn’t release that- the police took a picture and they released that. There’s trouble w/this story. Larry says will you turn it in if the police want to test it? Brad says absolutely. Cindy is boring HOLES into Brad about this– something has really pushed her buttons here (scary monster). I wonder if she found that diary and added the ’05 date. I wouldn’t put it past her at this point.

The State Attny’s office refused to comment on the case. Larry asks about items found at the scene that seem to have come from their home– George defers to Brad who says they will have to wait for trial to talk about that. Brad says they have a circumstantial case-which is only as strong as their weakest link. Keep telling yourself and your clients that.

George says when he worked as a detective but he never worked off a presumption until he had all the evidence. BS- you must have been a sh!tty detective then. George says he wouldn’t have made an arrest in this case. BS! Cindy says they made an arrest based on Casey lying about where she said she worked (we know you think it’s ok to lie, Cindy). Larry says- why did she lie?? Cindy says maybe to spend more time w/Caylee! WOW, that is RICH!! How does Larry keep a straight face?!@#$?

Brad says there was no heart shaped sticker on the duct tape- that was speculation. WHAT???
OK, then how do you explain the heart shaped sticker residue on the duct tape? Wasn’t the sticker found in the bag too?

Larry asks if they have anyone in mind as a suspect– they both look like they want to jump out of their skin but say they can’t comment about that right now. As I said earlier- I bet their prime suspect’s name probably rhymes w/Blessy Fund. EVIL!!

OK- we’re 43 mins in and here’s Larry’s first mention of the foundation. Now we’re treated to Whynock singing a song he wrote for Caylee- that seems like a colossal waste of time. Was this a condition of their intv? I think there are more important things to cover. WHO did he sleep w/to get this gig anyway? WHO the hell is he? HOW is he associated w/the Anthony’s OOOOOMG- Cindy wrote that?- I think they just said that!!!?!@#$%%?^$%^> I will have to go back and actually listen to it now.

Larry asks–Should whoever did this crime get the death penalty??
— they both say they don’t support the death penalty. Um, follow up Larry…then what do you think should happen to the person who did it? Cindy says in response to viewer question that she could never cut ties w/Casey even if she finds out she did it. Caller calls in to thank them for the beautiful memorial– the Anthony’s VISIBLY breathe in that comment sooooo gratefully. It’s almost sad. Almost. Cindy says God can’t prevent bad things from happening- but you have to make money off it good of it.

Whoa good question from viewer–if you have evidence that she didn’t do it- why not bring it out and save the $$ that will be spent on the trial? Cindy slipped up in answer– so funny- really shows her twisted logic! She said that they don’t have evidence that she didn’t do it but there’s alot of evidence…um there’s evidence out there that doesn’t PROVE that she did it. Or some such BS– I will have to go back and listen- I don’t have the magic TV that let’s me rewind. Larry asks if they have hope for the trial. Cindy says, she does- if people take the oath of a juror and listen to the evidence, I think they will… and she just drifts off. Larry should have followed that up– you think they will what? Find out that Casey really was mother of the year? Learn why she went out partying while Caylee was missing? Do you think people will see that she’s innocent or do you think they will find reasonable doubt?

9:56pm (4 mins left- ha/ha) Larry says, what’s this foundation about? A teddy bear has joined us on the table. Cindy says- they’re doing it to honor Caylee’s name- says that they actually thought about it back in September— UM you thought about a MEMORIAL FOUNDATION for CAYLEE back in September??? OOOPS! Cindy says they are going to provide counseling to families w/a missing child? Larry asks- with psychologists? Cindy says, we (my husband and I- who were both suicidal) will help them the best that we can. Oh, what a treat. Larry says, what’s with the bear? Cindy says money raised will go to giving the bears as a THANK YOU to law enforcement starting w/Orange County! The bears would be on hand for first responders to give out. WHAT?? WOMAN– you have vilified those people ad nauseam since the beginning. Cindy says she’s President but NO ONE expects to collect a salary? Does anyone expect to pay the mortgage? BS-much?

Caller says- if Casey was only partying one night- why so many outfits? Cindy says they’re all old pics. LARRY-WAKE UP AND MENTION THE WITNESSES WHO ALL CONFIRM THAT SHE WAS OUT PARTYING MANY IF NOT MOST NIGHTS!!!!! Cindy says she would love to go see Casey if they could keep it out of the media– well that’s too bad, so sad– your daughter lost some privacy rights when she was neglectful in her care for Caylee by not reporting her missing for 30 days– and that’s just AT THE VERY LEAST. You should at least acknowledge that- that Casey is where she should be bc she acted stupidly in not reporting it immediately- that’s neglect– she should be punished for that- just admit it. That seems to be the CRUX of what went wrong in GETTING JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE right? WILL THIS BE A FOCUS IN YOUR FOUNDATION???? Will some of your advice to families in similar situations be NO MATTER WHAT- CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY??!! Just so you know, IT SHOULD TAKE PRIORITY over renting movies at blockbuster, hot body contests, smoking weed and watching TV on your new boyfriend’s couch. Is that some advice you will share w/families???

Well that’s it for this intv- Larry really dropped the ball- WHY did he even ask for questions from us? He let them get away w/murder! That’s an hour I will NEVER get back. thanks larry. Here’s a link if you’d like to see the idiocy for yourself– Thanks, BigMouthShelly!

This is a funny video posted on Larry’s blog from someone passionate about the case- it’s a rant that turns into a little PSA for birth control. Oh, Larry, you are SO hip and cool- it’s too bad you didn’t call them on their lies- do some research before you have guests like these on. Were there conditions on the intv?


Posted by on May 13, 2009 in Uncategorized


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Cindy and George will be on Larry King Live tonight…I have some questions!

Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Concerns? I will be live blogging the show tonight AND trying to call in bc I have QUESTIONS! COMMENTS! THOUGHTS! and CONCERNS!!!

Here is the blog where Larry and Co have asked for questions to be submitted. If you submit questions PLEASE include some form of the first 2 here–I sooo badly want someone to ask them to DESCRIBE FOR US the person Casey says took Caylee. That should be their main focus in getting air time– Justice for Caylee would mean finding that person and bringing them to justice.

I think I got a bit carried away… but here are mine:

What is being done to look for the person you believe killed Caylee?

Where is the sketch of “Zanny” or whomever Casey dropped Caylee off with on June 16th?

What do you think should happen to the person who murdered Caylee?

Why did Casey have a “nanny” when she didn’t have a job?

Have you figured out what Casey was doing during all the time you thought she was working? Have you found out where your grand daughter was being taken or hanging out for all that time? If not, why not?

What day did you find out and confront Casey about her stealing from your mother, Shirley?

Wasn’t there an argument about that on June 15th? If not, why not discuss with your daughter the fact that she stole from your mother?

George, pls describe in detail– the last day you saw Caylee? Who woke her? Fed her? Dressed her? Was she being carried or did she walk when Casey left with her on June 16th?

Do you know what happened on the last day Casey says she saw Caylee? If not, WHY?

Do you want the entire truth to come out about what happened to Caylee, no matter who it implicates? What are you doing to further that cause?

Do you think she dropped her with “Zanny” or some other caretaker or do you think Caylee was taken from her at Jay Blanchard Park or elsewhere?

Did you find a notebook or any evidence that Casey was trying to track down Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales while Caylee was “missing?”

Do you now acknowledge (as you both did originally) that there was a dead body (smell) in the back of Casey’s car?

People all over the country conducted tests, putting pizza in the back of their trunks to rot– ALL reported just dried up pizza and NO smell. Scientific tests have proven that there was a decomposing body- this can be challenged in a court because the science hasn’t been used but the science is sound. Why do you still claim it was pizza?

Was that car dusted for fingerprints? If not, why haven’t you insisted on that- in searching for Caylee’s killer?

Did you ever call any of the numbers (or use any contact info) you had for Zanny while Casey and Caylee were “missing” from June 16 – July 15th?

Did George see into the trunk or just the back seat on June 24 (the day of the gas cans)? In either case, what exactly did he see?

You found out she didn’t work at Universal when you went up there on June 24 (the day of the gas cans) -did you confront Casey with that information?

Do you think that those elaborate lies (about Tampa and Jeff etc) were something Casey was told to say in a script?

If you found out Casey was guilty would you work towards justice for Caylee then?

Do you think Caylee is happy now, watching your actions from heaven?

Why did Casey tell you she got a call from Caylee on July 15th -the day you found her? Was she trying to assure you that Caylee was alive? Now you know that Caylee was already dead at that time– how do you explain that lie?

Why don’t you visit your daughter? Is it THAT difficult to talk to her without saying something incriminating?

Have you ever gone back and watched those jailhouse visits with Casey where it is SO OBVIOUS that she’s lying and only concerned with herself?

If Casey was worried about getting the law involved, due to threats from the kidnappers, then why didn’t she stop you before the 911 calls and say NO we can’t do that and here’s why?

Do you communicate with Casey through letters, calls or any other method?

Do you have any contact with Jose Baez? If so, how often and of what nature? Do you approve of the work he’s doing in Casey’s case?

Have you asked the authorities to share their best evidence with you- so that you can make the most informed decision?

What did you mean when you said you canceled your appearance on Oprah for “integrity” reasons?

Why have you refused to take lie detector tests?

Do you know what Jose Baez’s defense strategy will be? If so, does it explain or “clear everything up” regarding Casey’s unusual behavior?

Have you ever suggested that Casey get a “second opinion” on her defense?

Do you suspect Jose Baez may be more concerned with taking a high profile case to court than with your daughter’s welfare?

Where are Caylee’s remains? Did you have her cremated?

Are either of you working? Will you be taking a salary from donations made to Caylee’s foundation?

When you posted the “My Caylee is Missing” message on your MySpace July 3rd you were obviously concerned– thought Casey was lying about her whereabouts and sent Lee to find her downtown– did you consider calling police? reporting Casey’s car stolen? calling the contact numbers you had for Zanny? If not, why not?

How do you explain that Casey’s phone records and computer forensics don’t show frantic phone calls or desperate internet searches for “Zanny” while Caylee was missing?

We all now know, from multiple witnesses, that Casey was going out, hanging out, and partying for most of the time that Caylee was supposedly “missing” -how do you explain that behavior?

Did you ask Casey to outline specifically for you the things she was doing to look for Caylee?

Has Casey explained to you, to your satisfaction, the internet searches she did for things like chloroform, neck breaking and missing children websites?

Do you think you might garner more sympathy if you at least acknowledged some mistakes and lies from your daughter?

George said that Caylee never showed any recognition when Zanny was mentioned- did that make you suspicious?

How much money would you say that Casey contributed to household expenses and Caylee’s care on a weekly basis?

Did Casey pay her own car insurance? Did Caylee have health insurance?

Did you ask Casey how she was earning money? Or why she stole from Amy to buy beer and lingerie?

Did you ask Casey why she left her purse and other things in the car at Amscot and why she never went back for it or took so long to go back for it?

Do you still suspect Jesse or Amy?

Do you still believe Zanny (Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales- or under another name) exists even though all the people surrounding her were fictitious- and Jeff didn’t introduce them and didn’t have a son named Zachery?

Tell me about the day you found the gate open and the ladder by the pool.

Why do you think Casey backed her car into the garage and borrowed a shovel when she was supposed to be at work?

How often did Casey do yard work such as digging up bamboo roots?

What were you looking for and what did you find when, as you told authorities, you searched your yard before they came to do that?

Why is there no mention of Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch on your foundation site after they spent so much time, money and effort tirelessly searching for Caylee? Have you ever thanked him or Roy Krunk?

Will you watch? Some people are writing to the sponsors of Larry King to protest them giving the Anthony’s airtime?


Posted by on May 13, 2009 in Uncategorized


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Casey flipped out – was restrained when she learned Death Penalty was back!

Picture 40

Radar Online has a 5 minute interview w/someone who was supposedly incarcerated for a period of time in a cell above Casey. The woman interviewed, Teri, says that Casey had to be restrained when she found out they were seeking the death penalty again. Teri was serving a 30-day sentence for a probation violation on a bad check conviction and said she was housed in the cell above Casey’s. Teri said that Casey was screaming, “I’m pissed!” and was so uncooperative w/corrections officers that she had to be restrained to a bed where she continued to cry out and scream for over an hour. It’s an interesting interview- the woman seems believable…but who knows? At one point it sounds like she says, “this says…” – is she sharing the story for someone else? Her name in the intv is Teri Thomas but it says she was incarcerated under her married name Teri Narsesian.

Teri says that Casey looked directly at her and pleaded “Help Me!” – at one point, which is the most unbelievable part of the story for me. WHY would Casey say that? It seems it would be a futile request- how did she expect someone in a cell to help her? The woman describes Casey’s cell a bit and says that it appears she’s a frequent shopper in the commissary for snacks. She also describes something like a “shrine” to Caylee w/pictures and flowers- not nectar flowers but “paper machete” — Chilling indeed! She just misspoke there about the flowers, as she also seemed to do a couple of times- misusing “per se” – but overall she seems well spoken, and quite reasonable and rational. Very interesting! I kind of wish more fellow convicts would speak out. Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Concerns?


Posted by on May 11, 2009 in Uncategorized


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George and Cindy winning hearts, dissing Oprah.

Cindy and George grant CBS an interview. OOOPS- stupidity leak. They had a shot at Oprah and then decided to make her play second fiddle to the 3RD fiddle in the MORNING show game and so Oprah rightly said- thanks for playing but…GAME OVER!

Nice intv on the Early Show this morning and there will be more of it tomorrow. The Anthony’s burned Oprah though– so apparently they are still immune to ANY good PR advice. Are they even getting any? What a trainwreck! Though, I have to say- they did do much better at keeping their ‘tude in check (OMG did you see those depos– BRUTAL!!!). It was so ill advised.

Maybe they had valium for breakfast this time, is their attny taking advice from Britney’s dad and drugging them OR could it have been the soft, gentle soothing voice of the interviewer? It was quite the vocal technique – that’s the way I talk to my fur baby (dog) when he has an owie- which incidentally he does right now. The groomers at PetSmart cannot seem to cut his hair w/out scorching his skin- grrr. Anyway, I’ve never seen that interviewer before and I thought she did a good job but her voice struck me as cooing- I was waiting for her to reach over and pet them or scratch behind their ears. Which takes me back to Oprah- though not so apropos- have you ever noticed that sometimes when Oprah is interviewing children and talking about a tough subject- she pets them just like a dog??? It’s so cute (and not at all disturbing)!! If I can motivate myself I will try to find a clip bc I’m kidding you not- she pets children. I think it’s bc she hasn’t or doesn’t spend a lot of time w/kids and yet she raises her dogs like children- so that’s how she comforts. Watch for it.

Anyway here are some questions/comments/thoughts/concerns I had when watching the Anthony’s intv.

They played the clip of Cindy speaking to Casey at Caylee’s memorial saying something like…
I hope you’re able to hear me, I love you and I wish I could comfort you right now. I wish I could take away your tears.

UM QUESTION- Then WHY don’t you comfort her- WHY don’t you visit her in prison? Are you SO unable to avoid saying something that might incriminate your daughter- couldn’t you just say hello, talk and provide that comfort. Or do you just want to talk about it on TV? Are you afraid you would SNAP bc you KNOW she did it? Or are you able to admit that to yourself yet? What will it take?

Is there a way you could write her a letter that would never become public? — If so, would you write to her and tell her you forgive her IF anything did happen but that the best thing for ALL concerned ESPECIALLY Caylee would be to tell the truth so that she can rest in peace. Also, HELLO- the death penalty…the State must be feeling pretty confident- that’s some pretty beefy food for thought. Baez is certainly no legal genius and he has been blowing MAJOR smoke up your daughter’s ass. NEWSFLASH–He has HIS own interests at the forefront and a HUGE SCANDALOUS TRIAL that will be covered world wide is his WET DREAM- he’s not even considering the fact that what may be in Casey’s best interest- is to avoid that at all costs. When you get a serious dangerous diagnosis from a doctor- you ALWAYS get a second opinion. If you don’t you certainly should. Casey should consider doing that- for her own good. I won’t even mention (barely) Caylee again- but she IS watching. What would Caylee want? WWJD? WWCayleeDo?

The interviewer sucks up a bit to start saying that most people don’t sympathize w/them- that they’ve really lost not just Caylee but Casey too—Cry me a river. They’ve had that public sympathy and then they continually turn around and spit and stomp all over it. I still sympathize w/them obviously but they honestly make it extremely difficult.

Casey may be put to death? Their reply is that Casey is presumed innocent- we can’t think about that right now. That’s soo Scarlett O’hara. I just can’t think about that right now– I’ll think about that tomorrow. Classic. I’m actually trying to research cases of people in a similar situation bc they ARE in an extremely difficult position. They don’t want to PILE ON and do anything else that will lead Casey to her death but at the same time it makes them look ridiculous and absolutely OUT of touch w/reality. What would you do?

Plea deal? George says well…Her defensive team wouldn’t take away that option or some such BS and then Cindy comes back much stronger in Casey’s defense saying emphatically NO- Casey would never take a plea bc she didn’t do it. George was obviously trying to give a careful yet intellectually honest answer and I’m sure Cindy will take his d!ck off and jar it tonight for that misstep.

Why so adamant in your belief of Casey? Interestingly Cindy doesn’t say bc we KNOW she couldn’t didn’t/wouldn’t do it– she says bc we love her. That’s telling. AGAIN– think about Caylee. She sees that you are putting Casey first- that makes me soo ANGRY!

WHY no Zanny nanny references? I wish the interviewer would have asked about this- I wonder if it was off limits? I would say– how is the investigation going into WHO DID THIS TO PRECIOUS CAYLEE? What are you doing to bring that person to justice. Have you talked to OJ to see maybe who he hired to look into his wife’s death? ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ZANNY? WHERE IS THE FU@KING SKETCH? We are not as stupid as you (think we are)! Stop insulting our intelligence.

All the evidence- doesn’t bode well for Casey… Cindy looks uncomfortable and doesn’t answer- just turns to Brad who says the typical attny stuff and warns about waiting for a jury.

Cindy says–The truth will come out at trial- that’s what we have to wait for. The jury will be able to see… There’s more to it– Cindy said.

Cindy- we want the truth but we have to wait for everything to come out at trial….MY QUESTION–Do you feel like you know the whole truth now? If not, WHY not? Why hasn’t Casey told you everything? Are you OK w/that? WHY are you OK w/that? Wouldn’t she tell you everything IF she wanted you to help find the person responsible. THINK about that- it does NOT make sense.

Cindy says she can’t answer that right now– about why Casey was afraid and didn’t report. Um, yeah bc you know that is bc she DID it right?

Intv asks — You’ve NEVER gone more than 2 days w/out seeing Caylee- why no missing report??? Cindy stabs our collective brains again w/the answer that she never had a reason not to trust Caylee w/Casey– Casey made Caylee her priority. UM, have you been watching the news- or talked w/your mother or brother. WE KNOW THAT’S NOT TRUE! You were going to go for custody. THERE’S A HUGE MOTHERF@CKING ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM– Why doesn’t she get called on this.

Another question I have–Did you ever try to call any of the numbers you had for Zanny? We know how heartbreakingly concerned you were on July 3rd when you went to the trouble of JOINING myspace so that you could post that heartbreaking post “MY CAYLEE IS MISSING!”

How many times did you call Zanny from that number in your phone book on july 15th? Can I see your phone records? How many times have you tried to locate/call her since then?

My next questions–Tell me about where you believe Caylee is now? What would you say to the person that harmed Caylee. I know you’re faithful and thus you believe that that person who took Caylee, killed, and discarded her like garbage will eventually be judged but what do you think they should do now? Is it more important that they avoid justice or would you ask them to come forward and confess? What would you like to say to them? Do you think Zanny acted alone?

There’s more of the intv tomorrow, I hope they enjoyed their trip to NY in lieu of the windy city. WTF?


Posted by on April 22, 2009 in Uncategorized


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HOLY frijoles– Jose Baez asking taxpayers for Casey defense?

I just saw this on MSNBC- must confirm. WTF?

BRUTAL Baez BASHING post to come. I’m tripping over myself- WHAT A DOUCHEBAG!!

This turd blossom has just stepped on one of my last nerves. He must be truly…dumber than dirt. He and Casey are just a match made in heaven. I’ve been glancing at this case lately, not paying much attention, just using my peripheral vision. But now, someone has stumbled upon my rage button. OOPS, I think it was Jose. You FU@KING DUMBASS!!!!@# How do you walk around in the world w/that noodle of yours? I’m surprised that you don’t fall more.

I’ve been away from the case for quite some time- can someone recommend a site where I might play catch up? I recently got hip to the whole private eye searching the crime scene site- a MONTH earlier than when the remains were found. WHAT THE F*CK is up w/that?


Posted by on April 17, 2009 in Uncategorized


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Lee Anthony’s depostion (in Zenaida’s case)- a summary.

Lee Anthony does the right thing- shows up- and Zenaida’s attorneys depose him. The interview and his answers boggle the mind and stretch your imagination –starting w/Lee saying that to this day he still believes EVERYTHING his sister tells him. Um, have you met your sister? That does NOT speak highly of your intelligence or your grasp on reality.

Lee Anthony under oath.

Lee Anthony under oath.

Part 1 (about 30 mins)
Lee Anthony doesn’t seem nervous- there’s none of the awkward giggling we heard in his first interview w/the police… at least not at first. Later on he continues to appear very relaxed and there’s a surprising amount of chuckling from Caylee’s uncle.

Lee appears to be keeping eye contact w/Morgan and doesn’t seem to even look over at Zenaida when Morgan intros everyone in the room. Casey’s attorneys were not there which is being reported as highly unusual. I consider that a blessing.

Morgan asks some establishing questions- even joking w/Lee about where they both attended high school, Winter Park, – Lee attended there for 9th grade and then went on to finish high school at Colonial- saying he wished he’d stayed at Winter Park.

Lee has lived back at home since the beginning of January to help out his parents financially. This case must have really decimated his life. He lost his darling niece, his sister is in jail, he has been subject to cruel and demeaning speculation as to his character, and instead of saving money and preparing a home for his and his girlfriend’s new baby he’s moved back in w/his parents to help them out.

The first time he heard the name Zenaida Gonzales was the day Casey was arrested. He says he heard the name when Casey called the home from jail, he didn’t say jail- he just sort of let the sentence trail off but Morgan prompted him- “from jail” and he acknowledged.

So Lee NEVER heard about Caylee having a nanny named Zanny. It only came up (at least to him) when Casey needed someone to blame for Caylee’s disappearance. Lee says that his mom claimed to have heard the name before. Interesting choice of words. He says Cindy had heard the name Zanny but that the full name Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales was new to everyone- that was Lee’s impression.

Morgan asks if Lee was under the impression that Casey was making up the story about Zanny to which Lee says “To this day, I believe everything that my sister tells me.” (WTF?) Morgan replies, “I understand that.” And Lee closes his eyes and nods knowingly. WHAT? I DON’T understand that. I think I would not have been able to conceal the shock on my face and might have slipped in some questions about WHICH story do you believe and why?. I think you can support your sister w/out making yourself out to sound like a complete imbecile by saying that you believe EVERYTHING your crazy, nutball, lying sister has to say.

As to childcare for Caylee Lee said that Cindy and George were the primary caregivers/babysitters for Caylee but he knew of Casey leaving her in the care of other friends of the family but never compensating anyone to his knowledge. Here he breaks out in laughter- somewhat reminiscent of the nervous giggling. He seems quite comfortable not at all distraught or emotional about the subject matter.

He says he had no knowledge of Casey’s employment situation. Lee’s attny (I assume, he’s off camera.) objects to relevance but allows him to answer. Lee says he doesn’t know if or how Casey would pay a caretaker for Caylee.

Lee says that he and his family always encouraged Casey to speak to police and cooperate. Lee says that during the phone call Casey made from jail he didn’t speak to her for long but he mainly tried to get her to calm down and not berate her mother saying that Casey was upset that no one believed her. I think the jist of the conversation was GIVE ME TONY’S NUMBER – not pleas from Casey- I’m telling the truth- you’ve got to believe me – that’s the only way we can find Caylee. There was none of that concern. She wanted to talk to her boyfriend and FU@K all else- anything that doesn’t help me meet that goal is just a WASTE, A HUGE WASTE! I think his memory is selective here.

Morgan asks if Casey was upset on the phone at that time bc Cindy was accusing her of…Morgan says he doesn’t want to use the word LYING (REALLY- why the hell not?)…someone pipes up w/- uh being untruthful?– which Morgan likes. Lee says well, we didn’t really know the truth at that time (yeah, and you still don’t). Lee is hesitant here and says well, there’s a difference between lying and not being forthcoming, those are “two completely different things,” according to Lee.

Lee says that to his understanding Casey was “instructed” by “this Zanny person” to tell that story and to not go to police. He says I don’t know what someone could hold over someone’s head to do that- there’s nothing that would make me do that, I would die right here for her. Hmm, but not Casey.

Lee says that they didn’t really have a comfortable conversation until Casey was released from jail bc they knew they were not being recorded. Hmm- WERE they being recorded? I wonder if authorities had the home bugged?

Lee says that Casey revealed that this Zanny person was threatening not only Caylee’s life but the entire family. Lee says the family was frustrated bc they said- there’s NOTHING you should hold back bc nothing could be worse than what we’re already going through.

It’s funny at one point bc Morgan asks if Casey’s attny was giving her bad advice (the understatement of the century IMO) the advice not to go to police. But Lee doesn’t even flinch- he says at that point she didn’t have representation.

Lee says he was frustrated – not blown away- by the threats saying, there’s nothing anyone could hold over him- he would have gone to authorities.

Morgan asks WHY Zanny would want to take Caylee?- Lee says that Casey’s answer was that Zenaida didn’t think that Caylee should be w/Casey and she was taking Caylee from her to “teach her a lesson.”

Lee was frustrated saying- don’t hold anything back- I could have used all of this info a month ago bc he’s been “investigating” everything during this time that Casey was in jail. That’s the end of part one.

Here’s part 2. (21 mins)

Lee says he never doubted that there was a Zanny the nanny- he believed his sister.

Morgan says that everyone watching the case has always commended Lee’s actions during this case. Hmm, he doesn’t read the blogs evidently.

Lee says he talked to hundreds of his and Casey’s friend during his “investigation” – looking for a live Caylee.

Morgan asks who Caylee’s father is- Lee answers no- Lee’s attny objects as to relevance. They discuss bc Morgan says part of proving his case, bc his client was questioned as to Caylee’s whereabouts, it would help to find who might have taken Caylee bc his client didn’t.

Lee says, w/a chuckle, “With all due respect, you’re not going to get that answer from me, I would have kicked that door in a long time ago.” He goes on in a bit of macho bravado saying if he ever had any indication of who had Caylee “from the President on down” he would have kicked that door in.

Lee says that during the month that Caylee and Casey weren’t staying in their home he was never alerted to worry about their whereabouts. That is curious bc of Cindy’s July 3 “distraught” myspace msg about Caylee being missing and reports of Lee going to a bar looking for Casey (she fled).

Morgan brings that up next- big discussion w/attnys as to relevance. Morgan’s attnys school Lee’s attnys saying we’ll get the answer eventually and we’ll be seeking fees and costs so if you instruct your client not to answer- it’s not a valid objection and it will cost you. Lee speaks up bc he now remembers his mom calling him July 3rd saying Casey and Caylee haven’t been home – he went online figured out where she was and went looking for her.

Lee makes a statement unrelated to this saying someone (many people) forwarded him Zenaida’s myspace saying – could this be the person? he says based on all the evidence he had from Casey’s statements- this person (Zenaida) was never under suspicion from him. Pointing to the “mam” across the table – Zenaida.

Part 3 (26 mins)

Morgan asks about Xanax being called a “zanny” – Lee says he’s never heard of that- NEVER heard of taking a xanax as related to Zanny the nanny he says he’s NEVER heard that until today. I find that INCREDIBLY HARD TO BELIEVE- if he’s been AT ALL following this case. That speculation has been rampant online (especially here).

Morgan questions Lee about July 3rd bc Lee was looking for her downtown and actually spoke to her – Casey told him she was in Jacksonville. He repeatedly called her she finally picked up and said leave me alone, I’m in Jax, I’ll be home tomorrow. He said he knew she was lying. Hmm, I thought you believed EVERYTHING your sister tells you?

Lee says he asked about Caylee’s whereabouts that night bc he could hear that she was “out” at a party- he could hear noise in the background. Casey said “someone” was watching her and he didn’t ask who.

Lee says that even to this day neither he nor his mom know WHY Casey left the house in June. What about the HUGE argument they had bc Casey stole from her grandparents and Cindy was threatening to take custody, screaming so loud a neighbor heard and supposedly putting her hands on Casey’s neck? Hmm, I actually thought that the story about the fight becoming physical that night came from Lee.

Lee says he had no knowledge of his mother ever trying to take custody of Caylee- he never heard about that except after the fact through what he called “bullcrap” sources like the media. Morgan now asks about the alleged “physical” confrontation between Cindy and Casey- he denies it, chuckling saying he’s never broken up a physical confrontation between Casey and anyone. Wow, if that’s true, I wonder who made that story up in the first place?

Lee talks about Casey’s “timer55” password for myspace and yahoo- hoping to clear up Morgan’s questions regarding “internet” communication w/Zanny. Lee said Casey claimed that whoever took Caylee reset her password to that and that was the amount of time that this person was going to have Caylee before they would return her. Lee says, its creepy and gave him chills bc If you count from June 16 when Caylee was “taken” – if you count from there to 55 days it was to August 9th- which was Caylee’s birthday. THAT is highly suspicious bc Casey would know that that was exactly how much time she had to run or do what she was going to do.

That was HER deadline for how long she could hopefully BULLSH!T her parents as to Caylee’s whereabouts. SHE would know that they would NEVER accept any of her ridiculous excuses for not being able to see Caylee past that date. She would HAVE to produce her on Caylee’s birthday.

That’s also why Casey had an exact countdown and knew that her daughter was “missing” 31 days instead of the actual date she was “taken”- thus the whole June 9th or 16th confusion.

Lee now throws Jesse into the mix saying that one other person knew of the “timer55” password and that was Jesse Grund. It seems like he may have been trying to throw Jesse under the bus here but gets sidetracked. Throwing Jesse under the bus seems to be quite the old family tradition (not as much fun as Hank’s). He goes into this bc he says he was trying to delete all of Casey’s pics bc everything was being “sensationalized.” He says everything from Facebook and all of those type accounts had been deleted from end of April to July 3rd. He laughs bc he associates it w/the night he almost tracked her down bc she knew that that’s how he almost caught up w/her. Yet he says Casey “claims” that she did not do this deleting. And we’re to assume he believes this BS bc he BELIEVES EVERYTHING HIS SISTER TELLS HIM- EVEN TO THIS DAY.

Lee says Casey claims to have received communication from the “timer55” kidnapped person during this time things that told her for example to “show up to Target at 3pm” and Casey would do it.

Part 4 (34 mins)

Lee says he was never able to read the text comments to or from Casey- he says they’ve asked for that and laughs saying he would LOVE to see those but the authorities would never give those to him. He did have access to the phone numbers and to this day there are still some numbers that he does not know to whom they belong.

He says he has only seen Casey physically drunk twice in her life and says that she was not a “hard partyer.” Morgan asks about the phone call Casey supposedly received from Caylee on July 15th – we’ve all heard about this fictional call.

Lee gives the description Casey gave about Zenaida saying it doesn’t match this one and Casey has been consistent. She was early 20s, slender, light complexion (but she frequently tanned) and had no children.

They talk about Casey mtg Zenaida through Jeff Hopkins- NOT the one they both knew from high school. Even though that was the one that Casey had been telling her mom she was dating and the reason she was in Jax (though they don’t discuss this).

Morgan questions Lee about paying Zenaida to babysit and how many times Zenaida would babysit- Lee has no knowledge. Morgan asks about Casey dropping of Caylee the last time. Lee says Casey told him it was at Jay Blanchard Park- she met up w/Zanny and Zanny’s sister w/the sister’s two children. Casey gave him this story for the first time when she got out of jail in August. He says this story hasn’t changed though it is different from what Casey originally told police bc she had said it was at Sawgrass Apartments. Morgan asks where Casey was going that day- to which Lee replies she “claimed” she was going to work going on to say that she did work there at one time. Lee says that where Casey worked never had any relevance to him- he didn’t care bc he just wanted to find Caylee.

This bothers the hell out of me. BC why in the HELL was she dropping her off w/ANYBODY? The b!tch didn’t have a job! I was just listening to those intv tapes w/Casey that they made at Universal and NEVER ONCE does anyone bring that point up. I know hind sight is 20/20 but you would certainly think that would be a relevant question bc you’re sitting in a conference room at Universal having just found out that she DOES NOT WORK there- so WHY did she need a nanny? WHERE did she work? How did she pay the (imaginary) nanny?

Morgan says, bc she’s given so many stories w/inconsistencies even to you- did you start to doubt? Lee answers no- he believes there is more info he could be given- he believes there’s truth to a lot of what he’s been told. I find that VERY difficult to believe.

They go back to the Blanchard Park story- Morgan- throws in- “have you given this story to the police – what you’re telling me now?” Lee, looks up and to the left, and says, no…I don’t think so. Hmm. That’s curious isn’t it? Casey says she sat down on a bench w/Zenaida watching the kids play and she remembers Zenaida grabbing her arm forcefully to “kinda hold her down in a way” and that’s when she said I’m going to take Caylee from you- I will give her back to you but you need to follow my instructions- this is where she threatened- don’t go to the police or I will hurt your loved ones. Casey then saw Zenaida’s sister w/the kids at this point “briskly” walking to the car and Zenaida left too at this point. Uh, did you fight and scream and kick? Morgan doesn’t ask this.

Casey said Zenaida said this was to teach her a lesson. Morgan asks what lesson- w/Lee saying “I don’t know- if it was ever relayed to her, she didn’t relay it to me.” He laughs. WTF? Don’t you think that would be a relevant fu@cking question? Wouldn’t whatever that reason is be important- wouldn’t you mention it when pleading through the media w/Zanny to bring Caylee home. This just stinks to high heaven and insults my intelligence. That doesn’t pass the smell test- that would be priority number ONE in any investigation into getting Caylee back- WHY did they take her? Can we fix it?

Morgan asks if he ever asked Casey WHY she lied to police- saying to Lee- I can tell you’re a thinker. UGH. He says he never asked her that directly. Hmm. Lee says he still believes a Zenaida Gonzales could have kidnapped Caylee- it’s “absolutely” a possibility among a number of people. Saying he believes what someone tells him until he can prove otherwise. Morgan then asks if he believes one of those possible people could be his sister Casey- Lee’s attny objects and “certifies” it instructing his client not to answer.

Morgan goes back to why didn’t you call your sister on the lie of changing the story. Lee says he never asked her that question. BULLSH!T! Lee says he believes Casey was following instructions from Caylee’s kidnappers. Morgan says did Casey’s answers satisfy you?- to which he says- Caylee coming home safely is the ONLY thing that would have satisfied him in this case.

Did you ever ask Casey about an accident scenario- whether she accidently killed her then covered it up? Lee’s attnys object and instruct him not to answer. Lee says I’m not answering that question bc its not relevant. Morgan says I think you answered it by not answering it. BURN.

Morgan asks about the apparent ease at which Casey let Zenaida “kidnap” Caylee- offerring NO resistance. Lee says, laughing broadly, that he asked Casey did she try to resist- bc he would imagine a fist fight would ensue. He says Casey told him she was in shock and it was just surreal. BULLSH!T! Morgan asks if Casey pleaded w/Zenaida not to take her baby- Lee says he assumes so but Casey never told him that and he never asks. BULLSH!T!

OMG Morgan goes on w/this line of questioning saying- did that make sense to you- that she wouldn’t resist? Lee fumbles a bit saying yes and no…I’m a lot like my sister. Morgan says, I can tell. OUCH! Can you imagine a lower insult? Lee says he would be fighting to the death in that situation but no one can say anything about Casey’s actions bc they were not in her shoes. He says they were all concerned about making Casey comfortable and placating Casey so that they could get info from her. Yeah, WE CAN TELL! That’s why we have NO answers in this case. Lee didn’t ask if Zenaida had a gun or any weapon.

Part 5 (54 mins)

Morgan asks about Sawgrass and Lee says he doesn’t know anyone who lived there but he does know Annie and has heard of Dante. (That’s some investigating he must have done.) Lee says he knew most of Casey’s friends but didn’t know many that she had made since the beginning of 2008. Morgan asks did Zenaida tell Casey to go downtown (haha- yeah she told her to go out and party). Lee says, no I never asked her that- that would have been a good question.

Morgan asks about Zenaida having a key to the family home. Lee says he heard that Casey told her parents that she’d given Zenaida a key to the house. Lee says Cindy thought that was fine bc she was babysitting Caylee. BULLSH!T have you MET Cindy? That would NEVER happen. Lee says he’s spoken to the media about Zenaida giving a description etc. Though he NEVER spoke to the media updating them w/the correct “story” about Jay Blanchard Park. Lee says he “sadly” told Leonard Padilla, also told Dominick the PI and his parents and maybe Baez though he’s not sure that came up. WTF? Morgan asks why he never told the police- Lee says- the time never came up. BULLSH!T! Lee says the police just weren’t interested in hearing ANYTHING that came out of my sister’s mouth- they would automatically dismiss it. They were looking for a “dead Caylee” and the quickest way to do that was to paint his sister in a bad light and they never followed up on anything he provided him so they were no longer “on his speed dial” and they were for a while. That’s ludicrous- if you’re trying to find Caylee.

Lee is overly amicable and laughing in this intv- its weird. Lee says again that he believes everything his sister told him. Lee says I have to and explains by saying -by that he means when someone is telling you something and you need info from them you have to not call them a liar- that’s not his strategy. Well maybe you should switch up your fu@cking strategy when it’s obviously NOT working and you’re dealing w/a psycho spiteful b!tch that has been known to LIE EXTENSIVELY.

Morgan goes back to the line of questioning- WHY did you not release the new story about Jay Blanchard Park- the story you now claim to believe. Lee says- “apparently I don’t react the way that you do.” Morgan says after all these months you never told…Lee says, I don’t get your point. BULLSH!T! Uh, why not tell the police- what you believe to be the truth? Lee says he assumes they knew that new story and Morgan makes him look like a complete and total IDIOT. Rightly so. Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Lee says he told Cindy the story the morning after he heard and she didn’t have much of a reaction either. Morgan tries to get a reaction about Casey lying to police saying it’s a blockbuster but Lee does not see it as such- apparently no one in the family did either. Remember Cindy saying – well it’s not against the law to lie. UGH! Lee really seems to struggle here- and says “for the life of me I can’t figure out why that didn’t stand out to me.” Um, perhaps bc it was one in a series of whoppers you heard from your sister?

Someone should ask the question- IF you believed that story WHY didn’t you go immediately to the police and the media and say it was a public park around noon surely SOMEONE SAW SOMETHING- here’s a description – someone stole Caylee in broad daylight PLEASE COME FORWARD!!!

Morgan asks if Lee ever had any conversations w/his parents about Casey’s “truthfulness.” Lee’s attny originally objects and “certifies” (which I gather means- instructing Lee not to answer). Morgan is stupefied- as this is a defamation case about Casey lying and Lee’s attny evidently spits out the stupid pill and takes it back. Lee has a huge gregarious laugh here- does he even KNOW why he’s sitting there. I think he answered and said they never had a conversation about her truthfulness in this case in particular but had discussed her lying in the past. He goes on to say he used to have a problem w/lying…like when he was in middle school. He says Casey hit that “stage” too- but she hit it in high school. He calls them little white lies. Lee when asked about what type of lies Casey would tell said- well skipping school for example. Morgan asks about stealing money– Lee reluctantly answered yes.

Lee says they never commented in the family about- WOW- Casey lied to the police and further Morgan asks, they didn’t take offense to the fact that she also lied to THEM. (During this question Lee picks some earwax and looks at it- gross- he appears uncomfortable.) Lee shrugs it off saying she was trying to protect Caylee. He says if it protects her child I hope she continues to lie. WTF? Her child is dead- you want her to continue to lie? Morgan says isn’t it true that she would do or say anything to protect herself as well? Lee says he believes that is secondary. They have a big hearty laugh over would they lie to protect themselves. Lee seems to find the whole thing amusing- it seems he’s overly confident and trying to really ingratiate himself w/Morgan.

Lee says that since Casey was released from jail they had about 5-7 minutes at most- they never had the brother/sister time that they needed. Morgan asks if Lee told someone that he feels if he could see Casey alone w/no one watching- he believes he could get the truth out of her. He says yes- I believe I could.

Morgan asks if Casey described the sister? Lee seems to search back in his mind- whew- he laughs. Morgan says- well this is a major co-conspirator who allegedly took Caylee. Reminding Lee that that should be of primary importance. Lee says well, I think I have it written down somewhere. Shouldn’t you till be looking for those people MORON? Lee says he wouldn’t have a problem giving them the notes he took when questioning Casey. Morgan goes back to the description of the sister- Lee seems to get agitated and says wow- then proceeds to lay it out in a very condescending manner. There is some confusing talk about to whom Casey first spun the new tale about Jay Blanchard Park. Morgan is trying to get him to understand that in any NORMAL family this would have been earth shattering, case breaking, life changing news. It sure makes it seem like no one in their family thought it was big news.

They are talking about whether Casey ever told him not to speak to the media- he says no but he never asked permission. Some one mentions Baez and a HEARTY laugh is enjoyed by all as Morgan says- I’ll get to him later. Morgan asks about the entertainment deals allegedly offered to the family- he says nothing has been mentioned to him but wild outlandish things have been offered to the family. He says he’s never heard it straight from his mom or dad that they’ve taken money. Morgan asks if Jose Baez has taken money- someone starts to object and Morgan says- I’m going to ask bc I KNOW the answer to this question. Lee’s attny (I assume) objects as to “work product” and they go off the record for a minute.

Lee says he doesn’t know for sure if his family received $200,000 from ABC- he hasn’t “heard it to know it to be true.” He has no knowledge that anyone in his family has received compensation. Morgan asks if he knows about Jose allegedly asking People magazine for $500,000- Lee says that’s the first he’s heard of that rumor. Me too. (10 more minutes- I’m so over Lee right now.)

Lee has never sat down and told Jose Baez the Jay Blanchard Park story but he has had many conversations w/Jose and has referenced the story. Morgan asks if there was ever a conversation about Casey’s lies and this new story creates a problem for the defense- to which Lee laughingly replies- no I’ve never heard that- that would be a conversation for Casey. Big laughs. Lee hasn’t talked to Jose since the day that they identified Caylee’s remains but said he gets along w/Jose fine.

Lee says he’s not aware if his parents are unhappy w/Jose’s defense. Morgan asks about the media being invited to Caylee’s memorial. Lee says that they knew they’d have to have it taped in order for Casey to see it. Lee says he doesn’t know much about that- his mom set it up. Morgan says- why when you had such a problem w/the media being here to day- why was it ok for so many cameras to be there for such a personal moment as the memorial. Lee says- that wasn’t his choice- it would be private. Morgan goes on to ask about the memorial and says he didn’t see much- but saw Lee and Herkey singing- hearty laugh from Lee- he says “you missed some good stuff”- WHAT?

Morgan asks about Lee’s speech and keeping his promise to CMA. Lee says he was speaking to Caylee- he made a promise to her early on- in July – that no matter what it took I was going to find out the truth. He says he kissed both of the bracelets on his wrist one is for Casey and one is for Caylee. He says there are 3 women in his life w/the initials CMA his mom, his sister and Caylee. Morgan asks about the Winnie the Pooh blanket and whether he knew if Casey took it to Jay Blanchard Park. Lee says no- she has a ton of Winnie the Pooh stuff. Morgan then asks if he ever saw Casey or Caylee playing w/heart stickers around the house- Lee says no. I’m surprised that didn’t raise an objection- who is this attny for Lee? Did he go to school w/Jose?

Morgan thanks him and says he’s not ending the deposition – he’s suspending it bc several questions were “certified” and they need to hold a hearing. It ends w/a friendly laugh and smile from Lee saying you guys will keep communication open as to rescheduling in case he’s out of town chuckle chuckle- and he winks at Morgan. Wow- friendly, fun business being deposed by some one suing your sister for defamation bc someone w/the same name supposedly kidnapped and killed your niece.

Morgan made a statement after the deposition that they don’t know whether he told the truth today but said Lee appeared to be forthcoming. The tape of the deposition is available here. Lee’s attorney was geared up to fight the release of the tape until after the case was closed but it is said that Lee told him not to bother w/the delay- to just release it now.

Morgan on Nancy Grace says the bombshell he heard- was that the story changed and the family knew that she had lied to the police and the family didn’t rush to the police. Shocking huh? Morgan even comments on how often Lee laughs in this depo – considering your niece is dead and your sister is in prison charged w/it.

Oh, apropos of nothing…I’m just watching Sex and the City and after Miranda first slept w/Steve he comes back to try to take her on a date and introduces himself as Steve Brady. She later has his child and names him Brady if I’m not mistaken. I guess the writer’s fell asleep at the wheel bc that means she named her baby Brady Brady. Cruel…fictional, but cruel.


Posted by on February 27, 2009 in Uncategorized


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Casey Journaled about Having NO regrets and Hoping the End Justified the Means!

Wow. Stick a fork in her…she’s DONE! Hundreds of pages of even more incriminating documents were released today in the Casey Anthony case. Including the disturbing Journal entry she wrote on June 21 saying (among other things that) “this is the happiest I’ve been in a very long time.” This is probably why Jose had to check himself into the hospital for “stomach pains” – maybe he can’t “stomach” the fact that his precious little publicity magnet/client has dug herself quite a grave and the best thing for his client, though NOT for him would be for her to take a plea- forcing Jose to lose his precious spot in the eternal glow of the shameless press.

1st half of Casey's journal entry June 21.

1st half of Casey's journal entry June 21.

She acts like a burden has been lifted from her- which is obviously how she felt. I’m sure she wanted to write what she probably continually said to herself– Caylee is in a better place. Actually, I don’t think that spiteful b!tch even cares.

2nd half of Casey's disturbing journal entry.

2nd half of Casey's disturbing journal entry.

She probably justifies it by saying- well I wanted to give her up to adoption in the first place; Mom/Cindy is now bitching about the financial and babysitting duties; my new boyfriend doesn’t want a toddler around and neither do I; I wasn’t being the best mom- that would come out in court if Mom/Cindy tried to get custody; all my friends would find out that I’m a huge liar, loser and thief; I would have to actually get a job to support her; Caylee was torn between Mom/Cindy and me; she liked Mom/Cindy better; she’s getting old enough now to tattle on me and I would rather party at Fusion than spend time w/the snot rag anyway- good riddance.

I’m still going through the docs and pics (here’s a link) but I’m extremely disappointed to find that there were NO fingerprints found on the duct tape. Here are some highlights that stood out in what I’ve seen so far. Several things (as we suspected) link DIRECTLY back to the Anthony home. The laundry bag Caylee was found in– the exact kind and brand including being lined w/the exact kind of black garbage bag w/yellow handles was found in the Anthony’s garage. The duct tape brand, Henkel, matches that found in the Anthony home. When they came w/a search warrant evidently listing a Winnie the Pooh blanket– Cindy admitted that Caylee’s room was missing one. In what appears to be a flip flop as to who’s cooperating w/authorities–Cindy coughs this info up while George was very agitated and confrontational and Cindy made him wait on the porch. I’m certain they must have known that blanket was missing for some time. Yikes. The same brand and apparent lot number of clothing found at the scene were found in Caylee’s room.

Stuff comes out about Annie for the first time and I’m a bit disappointed. I was hoping that bc she and Casey were so close that Annie’s intv and such were being w/held bc they were so incriminating. Some may still be held back but evidently she and Casey had a falling out and were not as close -at least not BFF style- during the time in question. She does speak to the obvious rivalry and jealousy between Cindy and Casey about Caylee and says that Casey once felt she was having a break down (March 2007) and talked about getting help and possibly having herself committed– Cindy talked her out of it I guess bc Casey later said I talked to my mom and I’m ok. Damn. Annie said that EVERY time Casey went out at night Cindy would call and harass her bc she thought Casey should be spending time w/Caylee.

Jose has released a statement calling the forensic science in the case “junk science.” I call Jose’s work on this case “junk law.” Jose supposedly got these documents 9 days ago and has not gone to see Casey since then– nor has any other member of the defense team. This is the longest period of time that Casey has gone w/out a visit from the defense…her only visitors. That’s interesting. Poor thing, maybe I’ll write her a letter. I wonder if she even knows that new docs were released? Has she had any communication w/anyone? Will someone now try to convince her to take a plea?

Here’s a pic of the heart sticker that was found at the crime scene. They also found a sheet in Casey’s home w/missing heart stickers.

Heart sticker found at burial/dump scene.

Heart sticker found at burial/dump scene.

Found in the Anthony home- missing a heart sticker.

Found in the Anthony home- missing a heart sticker.

It’s hard not to think about the Anthony family right now. I hope everyone keeps them in their thoughts and prayers. I can’t even imagine what they must feel as more and more nails are driven into their daughter’s “coffin” — can they possibly still deny reality any longer? I haven’t heard anything more about their trying to negotiate a “private” meeting w/Casey but I am still convinced that they wanted to do that in order to try to get her to cop a plea. I really wish she would. What possible defense could any reasonable person believe? Not everyone is quite as dumb as you, Jose.

BTW- the Winnie the Pooh blanket- every time it is mentioned in these documents it is called- a “stained Winnie the Pooh blanket.” I wonder what that stain is? Is the stain just decomp or was the blanket stained in the act of murder and that’s why Casey had to take it from the house? Not that Casey is smart, but it sure seems like a colossaly stupid thing to do– to take that blanket which Cindy was sure to notice (and did). We don’t know WHEN Cindy noticed that but she only came clean that she knew it was missing as soon as she read something related to it on the search warrant police were executing.

Found at the burial/dump site.

Found at the burial/dump site.

Another interesting bit found at the scene was a blue Gatorade bottle w/white sediment in it. Either in that bottle or near it was a syringe secreted in what appeared to be a cardboard center from a toilet paper roll. I hope that some of that tests positive for chloroform. (Annie said that when she asked Casey about the chloroform she said- well I had cleaning products back there.) I wonder why a syringe though? Where would she get a syringe? Were either of Casey’s grandparents diabetic or using a syringe for their health care? Annie also said that Casey tried to throw Jesse under the bus – saying well, Jesse had a key to my car. I wonder why she really went to his house to “take a shower” that day? Was she trying to frame him? Seduce him? Rev. Grund said that Jesse told him Casey left the door wide open while she took a shower that day. But Jesse wanted none of it – he wasn’t falling for it if that is what she was up to. Yikes, I wonder if she wanted a “sample” from him to plant on Caylee or at the scene? What day was that? I’ll have to look it up, I can’t remember. I would not be surprised if she was scheming some thing like that up. She is pure evil.
Journal page adjacent to the entry marked June 21.

Journal page adjacent to the entry marked June 21.

WHY does this journal say ’03? Did the pen skip and it was supposed to say ’08? Wishful thinking. Was Casey just writing ’03 to protect herself? That seems bizarre. Why would LE release the diary if they didn’t feel it was related? It seems to me that the ’03 may totally nullify the diary. Bummer- it sure seems to fit and probably does. WTF? Here’s a wordle of what she wrote:
Casey's journal entry- the future holds jail b!tch!

Casey's journal entry- the future holds jail b!tch!

Oh, somewhere in the documents it clears Lee Anthony as being Caylee’s father- he was NOT. NOT that I ever suspected he was, but some did. It actually had me googling ‘brother sister incest’ – gross. Just another of the despicable things Casey has forced me to do in this case, like buying the Enquirer. Anyway, in doing so I found an interesting article where a sister writes affectionately about having a sexual relationship w/her brother over several years and many of the comments are supportive. To each his own. Thanks Casey.


Posted by on February 18, 2009 in Uncategorized


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