Casey Killed Caylee – It’s confirmed.

Even if you believe the ridiculous story spun so smugly by Jose that it was an accident, she still killed her because she didn’t call 911! She didn’t give Caylee a chance to survive her neglect. No matter how long she was in the pool a good mom would have called for help- so many drowning victims can be resuscitated. An amazing mom would have been watching her daughter in the first place but a good mom would have at least given her a chance. And then to supposedly just turn away and let George triple bag her like a family pet and toss her in the swamp?! That’s BS, that’s not a good mom, that’s a monster and it should be CRIMINAL!

So even if you buy the fantastical fiction put forth from Jose– EVEN IF you buy that- she still did nothing to help her daughter and she’s guilty of that much at the very least.

By the way IF you believe Casey’s story then we should be expecting a statement from her soon much to this effect…

Chloroform Casey issues an apologetic statement to the media:  
I want to absolutely offer my sincerest apology to everyone who has invested their time and concern on this case.  To prove what an amazing mother I am I want to dedicate my life to speaking out against the type of incest and sexual abuse I endured from my father and brother growing up.  Because of their despicable and horrific acts against me as a child I was unable to help my daughter and call 911 when she drowned and then I was unable to deal with reality and the aftermath.  I am asking the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to seek charges against my dad for triple bagging Caylee and tossing her away like trash in the swamp/pet cemetery. I also apologize to all the searchers. ANY money that I make for talking about Caylee will go to TexasEquusearch and The Klass Foundation for missing children.

George and Lee will have no choice but to make a healthy break from her and to speak out about everything they know.  The truth will be revealed and everyone will know that she is Caylee’s killer any which way that you look at it.  I believe the State of FL proved it’s case and the jury didn’t understand REASONABLE doubt–these ARE Florida voters after all. But again…even if it was an accident and she didn’t call for help and give her a chance– shouldn’t she be charged w/that??

The truth is that she killed her and the State proved it. Caylee ceased to exist while in the care of her mother and the jury got the verdict wrong. I’m sick of people saying we have to respect this jury’s decision. I don’t have to. They made a terrible mistake that they will no doubt profit from now and regret later. What they did is completely disrespectful to Caylee. Caylee didn’t deserve to be disposed of that way. Casey threw that baby in the swamp and I bet the jurors will admit they know that and voted not guilty bc the state didn’t have (it on tape) the right evidence.

Just make sure the body completely skeletonizes before you report the person missing and then lie to the police and voila- you can get smooth away from a murder charge in FL. This Pinellas County jury just completely ignored the SCIENCE!  Were they all scientologists or creationists??! They should be ashamed.

Apparently Casey was truly judged by a jury of her peers– those of a truly tiny intelligence. I’m curious to know what they did discuss in the very few hours they decided to devote to Caylee. It certainly wasn’t the evidence. I think they focused on the mystery and what can never be known about what happened bc this wasn’t written or filmed for TV. Real life is messier than that and you have to take the time to consider all the circumstances in which Caylee ceased to exist. I bet someone took notes and recreated that chart that Cheney Mason had in closing. I got worried when I saw that bc it made beyond reasonable doubt sound unattainable. I would like to see that chart again bc I bet you money it played a role. Someone fell for that, threw reason out the window and convinced everyone that the evidence didn’t rise to the level for conviction. Plus they were pissed they had to miss the 4th of July, were sick of Orange County and this case and wanted to move on. You have to almost completely ignore the evidence to do what they did and evidently that’s what they did bc there’s NO WAY they could have given proper attn to the over 300 pieces of evidence the State so carefully presented. Linda Drane Burdick and Jeff Ashton worked tirelessly and were excellent advocates for Caylee in death.

Sadly Caylee had only the Anthony’s looking out for her in life. It’s sad that Caylee didn’t have friends that missed her those 31 days. It’s sad that Caylee didn’t have a job that would have alerted someone when she didn’t show up. It’s sad that Caylee didn’t have a car that someone could have reported abandoned. It’s sad that Caylee didn’t have a phone where someone could have reached out to her. Caylee didn’t get the chance to have any of those things because she had to rely on her mother for care and her mother couldn’t have cared less about her. Casey is the one who got all the chances. Casey got treated w/kid gloves and ruled that house so she had no incentive to face reality. In the end I guess the Anthony’s got what they wanted all along– leave us alone, it’s none of your business!!   Caylee belonged to us- move along please. This is how we get rid of our family pets.

Casey saw Caylee as the noose around her neck tethering her to her overbearing mother. Casey’s friends were going to college and getting their first taste of freedom from parental control. Not Casey. Because of Caylee, Casey got put on complete lock down -Cindy style! She also got kicked way down the totem pole and was jealous of all the love and attention Caylee got. Cindy and George loved that baby beyond all measure and failed to see the jealous monster they were creating in their midst. Casey NEVER wanted Caylee and I think that had Cindy’s brother not been rude enough to interject some reality at that wedding- “hey Casey’s prego!” then Casey would have been one of those teens that have the baby in the rest room and end it all right there in the stall. Time for the hot body contest!

Cindy wanted sooo badly to prove to the world that she was a great mother but appearances were what really mattered to her. She mentioned what a good mother she was many times in her police interviews even while cataloging all the lies her daughter spewed. In order for Cindy to be a great mother, it had to appear that Casey was a good mother, thus she was HIGHLY motivated to believe the lies that Casey told her. A good mom would have noticed their pregnant daughter and a good mom would have gotten prenatal care but those are inconvenient truths. Casey didn’t want to be pregnant, pretended not to be and she walked down that hallway until she reached the very end and had no choice but to confess. Keeping up appearances Cindy moved quickly past that weirdness and got really excited about a grand daughter– a second chance! They spared no expense for Caylee and I’m sure Casey resented every penny. Money that might have gone for Casey’s college and a shot at freedom was yanked and spent on the snot nosed brat (Casey’s words) that ruined all of her escape plans.

George even talked about how Casey had stolen money he was saving for Caylee. Poor George has been neutered in that house for a very long time. Cindy keeps it in a jar and I don’t believe for one second that George did anything to Casey under her watchful eye. You can tell from his pathetic suicide note that there’s a mantra that’s been drummed into his head that he’s a failure. Cindy has said to him many times, the derogatory things he said about himself in that suicide note. And Cindy made George the villain in Casey’s eyes many times. She made it okay to throw George under the bus like that. Don’t be negative George, of course Casey is telling the truth. Be a dad not a cop! How dare you go bust her for her fake Sports Authority job! How dare you try to follow her down the highway! Now Princess Casey will move back in and George will have to hit the bricks. Casey used to have Caylee to hold over her parents head to get whatever she wanted. She’s killed Caylee but she will still be using her as her precious pawn but it’ll be Caylee’s corpse that she profits from now.

The media better put a stalk on that tattoo shop Casey loves– stat!  Remember, she missed her appointment when she got arrested on a fu*king whim?! You know Casey is going to have to get something inked over this horrific ordeal her parents have put her through. If they hadn’t tracked her down at Tony’s, if they hadn’t called the cops that night, if they hadn’t said they smelled death, if they hadn’t visited her in jail, if they had just believed her latest lie. This was a super inconvenient time for them to mess w/the fantasy and you can be certain that Casey will never stop making them pay for that.

My deepest hope and wish that I’m sending out into the universe is for someone to give Casey a tattoo on her other shoulder that says “Hideous Murderer” in Italian. Just have a really hot guy offer to do it for free and tell Casey it says something else! She’s not nearly as bright as people think she is. Tell her it means some bullshit about justice bc that is what it would mean to me, even if only in the teensiest degree. I think that jury and the Anthony’s will come to regret turning their backs on the obvious stench of what Casey did to Caylee! Here’s a petition to stop Casey from monetizing Caylee’s corpse:


Posted by on July 6, 2011 in TEAM Caylee!, teen pregnancy


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Shiny shirt is off but there are still BOMBSHELLS abounding on Nancy Grace tonight!

Nancy apparently ran out of shiny shirts this week so she is off tonight- will people be allowed to finish their sentences? -bonus! Jane Mitchell in for NG.

Talking about letting Casey travel in secrecy- the state opposes that. The judge says – just being a skeptic- if your client did this she may be able to travel to an area of interest and tamper w/evidence. Jose says- I’m an officer in this court and this case will come and go but I will continue to come before this court. I would never let that happen.

George to testify in GJ trial- about the gas cans. That’s old news- but still interesting. Casey didn’t want him to get into her trunk and didn’t let him- was Caylee in there or just the smell?

Jane says it was a shocker that so many of the motions were granted. Their talking about Casey never intended to be there – which they’re saying after the fact- bc she did ask her case manager for permission. Jose says they fear for Casey’s safety.

Leonard Padilla- is asked why she wasn’t there. Leonard mispronounces Pyrrhic victory saying that’s what she got in court today. Jane says why is she just now asking to search while fearing for her safety- when she had a month to do it and did nothing. LP says judge was very astute in ruling the way he did and tabling certain issues. LP says there are massive amounts of people in FL who would harm her if they got a chance to.

Det. Rogers from NJ– he doesn’t buy the safety issue- they don’t need to declare marshall law in FL to protect this person.

Jose clip from today talking about how DNA is destroyed when testing that’s why he wants to be present when they test if they don’t have enough to share.

Dr. Kobi is on- he testified for the defense over the phone- it was really annoying- you could barely hear him. He says its important that all scientific evidence needs to be reliable and redundancy allows for that. This point is ridiculous- the state is not going to purposely destroy or disallow the defense access. It is unusual I think, that he’s getting access to it before murder charges are filed- who knows? This case is stranger than fiction.

Unleashing the attorney’s to say why was everything Yes yes yes in granting the defense motions today. The lawyer says no- this is all stuff that the defense is entitled to- and the judge does not want to be overturned. An indictment is imminent and they are entitled to examine and evaluate the evidence. Jane says- how will the defense afford all of this? That’s what I’d like to know. There was some controversy about the family’s find Caylee fund- it was just recently reopened.

Caller- can you OD on chloroform? Yes you can. Someone probably did. 😦

Tim Miller is on- saying unfortunately the rain is back. He hasn’t seen the grounds yet- he was in meetings all day. Jane interrupted him just like NG. She said why not just send cadaver dogs- let them loose. He says that they have found a body before after dogs have cleared it. Tim says he still supports the Anthony’s in the hope that Caylee is alive but if she’s not they’ll do everything they can to find her.

Oh, just played the 911 call when Cindy had the (apparently temporary) realization that Caylee was probably gone. Then played clips of Cindy talking about what the FL sun could do to pizza in the back of the trunk. SO SAD! So self-delusional!

No body, no crime scene, no cause of death, no weapon, no confession- murder indictment still likely to come. Let’s hope so and let’s hope and pray that we find Caylee! Here’s Tim Miller’s site if you’d like to help and donate some money for the search for Caylee.

Grand Jury meeting on Tuesday- its their last day to meet. How will they cram all of this evidence into one day. Jessica D’Onofrio WKMG says yes many witnesses- also going back to her request to travel- that point may be moot coming soon. If there’s an indictment- she will go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Caller- insanity plea? I doubt it – that’s just about impossible to prove- its a legal holy grail. They say- not likely- you first have to admit you did it- but didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. Lawyer says though its true she hasn’t been acting like the typical mom- no press conferences- no crocodile tears- so her behavior has been strange to say the least- but not insane. They are talking about how wise Casey wasn’t there bc we’d all just be talking about what she did, her expressions, reactions etc.

Caller- why no access to cadaver dogs for defense. They said they don’t know. I think it was bc the state says this is still RE: neglect not homicide so until we file that- file murder- cadaver dogs aren’t relevant.

George, Cindy and Lee will all be called for the grand jury- wish wish wish that I could be a fly on the wall. George could possibly be held in contempt if he refuses to testify- they could still bring in his statements. I don’t think he will refuse. I think Cindy will be extremely difficult- you can see a preview of just a tiny bit of what to expect in the bail hearing where she wouldn’t even admit that Casey had not allowed her to speak to Caylee during the month she was frantically looking for them. When asked she said- well there was just a MISOPPORTUNITY to speak w/Caylee. So sad! So self-delusional!

Tim Miller had meeting w/Mark Nejames– Tim speaks very highly of him and he hopes the Anthony’s take advantage of his counsel. So apparently Tim Miller plans to meet w/the Anthony’s tomorrow- let them know he’s not the enemy- he just wants to help find Caylee.

Caller- where did Casey spend her days when she was supposed to be (fake) working. Letitia says no one knows where she was during the day but she was often w/friends at night. Did she have a double life?

LP says well, there are some things that are going to come out at the GJ that will just blow people away- the Orange County Sheriff’s office has done a great and thorough job and they know many things we don’t know. Do they know what she was doing for work?? LP acts like he knows what they know! I want to know what they know! Friends share! 😉 I hope they are holding some aces up their sleeve. LP keeps hinting or straight up talking about things that are going to come out that will just blow people away. What does he know? and how did he come to know it?

Kobi- talks about the evidence. The issue of the hair- it will develop banding pattern after death- they say they have that. Yeah, its unlikely their lying. Why would they lie- they would look foolish in court.


Posted by on October 11, 2008 in Uncategorized


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Jose talks about justice for Casey– that’s gross –the priority should be JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!

Heads up Bozo- I mean Baez -its not about justice for Casey– Its about JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE! Jose made this sickening statement Tuesday AM- on the Today Show -clip to come -hopefully soon. I found the clip below while I was looking for that clip from 9/30…where Jose goes on, getting his panties in a wad about how people are ‘vilifying his client – when its not been proven that Casey has done anything to that child.’ — I’m paraphrasing… I will have to find the clip or the quote bc that just really set me off.

I believe not telling anyone when she was “abducted” and then telling monstrous lies misleading the police all over town IS HARMFUL to Caylee. WHO took her? Release a sketch! Whatever story your client wants to go w/for the day – I think there will be an adult in all of them so- release a sketch! Unless Casey was blindfolded in a story to be announced soon then Casey saw whoever she “dropped her off” with or whoever “took” her. The toddler is not traveling alone! Release a sketch! If you want people to be on the lookout then fill in the picture – that would be a way to HELP FIND CAYLEE! It just doesn’t make sense for the family not to release a sketch– IF they believe Casey. I don’t get it?

Anyway- I’m through ranting about that (for now). I stumbled upon the video below- its about a month old but its a pretty concise update on the case – (not much forensically has changed even though we do have lots more intvs and info now) –and its SO worth a look!! Cindy seems just a bit over-medicated but still able to hold desperately to her fervent denial and self delusion. Its soo sad! Grr- she whines about the re-arrest of Casey saying- they’ve had those charges – they could have done something about it. Matt tries to ask her if she can step away from mom role and apply some logic…can she understand why so many people have serious doubts as to her daughter’s innocence in the disappearance and/or death of Caylee— so you understand why those doubts exist ?? He asks. Uh, clearly she doesn’t understand. She goes into a rant and throws Tim Miller under the bus again. Is she under the care of Zanny(Xanax) the nanny in this interview?

Jose talks about justice for casey at the end– that’s gross –the priority should be JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!
Casey Anthony- confirmed LIAR, suspected MURDERER. Allegedly.

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Posted by on October 1, 2008 in Uncategorized


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